Thursday, 21 December 2017

الكلب المتاجرة النظام

ترادر-إنفو - تجارة الفوركس - تداول سوق الأسهم - فوركس سكالبينغ سيستمز - فوريكس أوتوماتد أتلانتيك-ويند نظام تجارة الفوركس أحضر انتباهكم إلى نظام تجارة الفوركس للتداول اللحظي في سوق الفوركس. لقد أنشأت هذا النظام في عام 2009، وقد أظهرت نتائج ممتازة على حد سواء على العرض، وعلى حسابات حقيقية في مختلف وسطاء الفوركس. ما هي فلسفة نظام الفوركس كل يوم الغالبية منا يستيقظ مع أشعة ضوء نجمنا العظيم الشمس. نظرا لتناوب كوكبنا الأرض، والحزم الشمسية تتحرك من الشرق إلى الغرب. الأوزان الهائلة من الهواء تبدأ سفرها فوق المياه على نحو سلس من المحيطات العظيمة، ورفع موجات من قبل القمم. آلاف الفاتحين الشجعان من موجات تريد اخضاع العناصر، بعد أن اشتعلت بداية موجة والشعور انتصار على ذروتها. والآن سنقارن العالم من الطبيعة مع عالمنا من الناس. حركة الشمس على الغرب هي بداية عمل الفوركس الدورة الأوروبية (لندن 10:00، مسك) وإنهاء واحد الأمريكية (نيويورك 24:00، مسك). لذلك يتم تأسيسها تاريخيا. أن هذين المركزين التجاريين العالميين يقعان على جانبي المحيط الأطلسي. لا يهدأ باستمرار والاقتحام المحيط هو سوق الأسهم ن والعملات النقد الاجنبى. الموجات هي النطاق السعري. موجات ضخمة هي تطور الأسعار الاتجاه. المتزلجون هم التجار الذين يحاولون التقاط اتجاه بداية وقبل قمة لها للحصول على أرباح النقد الاجنبى جيدة. لماذا أنا للتجارة فقط خلال هذا الاتجاه إذا كنت تقرأ واحدة على الأقل من الأعمال الكلاسيكية عن الفوركس، عبارة تريند هو صديقك يجب أن تولي اهتمامكم. وهذا صحيح. 99 من تجار الفوركس ناجحة تعمل فقط على الاتجاه، كما هو أكبر ربح في ذلك. شقة أو سوق الفوركس واقفا هو المستنقع الذي تم العثور على مخلوقات قبيحة مختلفة، الاجتماع الذي يثبط تجار الفوركس بدء من العمل مع سوق الفوركس. فمن الخسائر، وتصريف الودائع. مجموعة الهامش. العم، وما إلى ذلك أعطي 3 قواعد لا لأولئك الذين قد حان على الفوركس فقط للترفيه والحصول على 1 مليون ثم المتعة مع الفتيات على بعض فيلا، ولكن بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في الحصول على مستقرة للإيداع الأولي. فإن عدم الامتثال للقواعد سيؤدي إلى تصريف الودائع ويشكو من أن نظام تداول العملات الأجنبية الخاص بي غير مربح. 1) للتداول حصريا على الاتجاه 2) التمسك بقواعد إدارة رأس المال (إدارة الأموال، مم) الكثير ينبغي اختيار لا يزيد عن 2 من مستودع ويجب إغلاق الخسارة التي سوف تتجاوز هذه 2 3) على الانضمام إلى قواعد بلدي تك بدقة هناك أي رسالة لا لزوم لها في ذلك أنا ج هيكد كل قاعدة شخصيا في الممارسة العملية. لذلك دعونا ننظر تك أتلانتيكويند أولا وقبل كل شيء سوف علامة، أنه هو نظام النقد الاجنبى للتجارة اليدوية، كما الألغام (والكثير من تجار الفوركس ناجحة) الاعتقاد العميق أن تاجر البداية يمكن أن تتعلم للعمل مع سوق الفوركس فقط من دليل فكس طرق التجارة، ودراسة انتظام سلوك السوق وأساليب الفوركس للحصول على الربح. ويستند نظام الفوركس على مؤشرات الفوركس: كاندلتيمي هو الوقت الذي بقي قبل تشكيل شمعة جديدة، فإنه يتوافق مع تف المختار. لماذا هو المهم الشمعة الجديدة هي إشارة إشارة هامة مستمرة أو سيكون هناك دورها. وسيتم ذكره كذلك. شيسيلفرترندسيغالرتاليرت إشارة توجه الدوائر بالنسبة لنا. الاتجاه الصاعد الأزرق شراء الاتجاه الهبوطي الأحمر بيع اتجاهات هيكيناشي الشموع (لا تخلط مع أسعار الشموع): الأزرق هناك الكثير من الثيران في الاتجاه الأحمر - هناك الكثير من الدببة لحظة ترندلين تصفية 2 خطوط خضراء تأكيد الاتجاه سيكون في وقت لاحق حول لهم حالة رصد كل شيء واضح هنا انتشار والكتف، وتكلفة 1 لوت غولدمينر هو مؤشر إعلامنا عن الاتجاه في بعض الأحيان أنها توجه مرة أخرى، لذلك استخدامه بمثابة إضافة إلى المؤشرات الأساسية. أزواج العملات الأجنبية (أنا أفضل العمل عليها) ورجبي، غبجبي، تشفجبي، أوسجبي الإطار الزمني (تف) M5 أو M15 (والأمر متروك للجميع، وحجم الربح يساوي) Q. لماذا أزواج التجارة هي بعملة متساوية في الذيل (في هذه الحالة الين الياباني) A. لأن هناك الفيل الوردي خارج J نظرة باهتمام في الرسومات مجتمعة من أزواج أعلاه. كما يمكننا أن نرى كل اتجاه تتزامن. أنه يعطينا زائد كبير في التجارة على 4 أزواج الفوركس في نفس الوقت. ملاحظة وهنا سر واحد بسيط: الاتجاه على أزواج مختلفة لديها سرعة مختلفة، وأحيانا وراء الجدول الزمني. هذا هو السبب في أنه إذا كان هناك اتجاه الاتجاه، فإنه سيحدث في وقت لاحق في 99 وعلى 3 أخرى يمكننا أن نترك الاتجاه في الوقت المناسب وتذهب في الآخر على قمة جفونداتيونس دورة 1: سيكلس واتجاهات لدينا دورة التداول الأولى تعطيك أساسيات لدينا منهجية ويوفر الأساس لجميع لدينا تقنيات أكثر تقدما تدرس في دورات لاحقة. هذا بالطبع يعلمك كيفية الوقت في السوق مع الدقة على مدار الساعة السويسرية حتى تتمكن من التجارة مع إدخالات واضحة وضوح الشمس ومخارج. ويشمل بالطبع: 2 كامل الألوان أدلة 14 فيديو على الانترنت أسئلة وأجوبة متابعة الدعم عبر البريد الإلكتروني لأسئلتك الفردية وحدة إضافية متاحة عند الطلب الآن: كيفية الكمال علم النفس التداول الخاصة بك. مع استكمال التمارين العملية. مقررات األساس 2: الزخم كمؤشر رائد يجب أن يتم شراء هذه الدورة فقط من قبل أولئك الذين اشتروا بالفعل دوراتنا التأسيسية 1 حول دورات واتجاهات منذ هذا بالطبع بناء على المعلومات في الدورة الأولى. هذا بالطبع يعلمك كيفية قراءة بدقة وثقة مؤشر الرائدة، وتمكين لك للوصول الى السوق قبل الهواة. ويشمل بالطبع: 2 كامل الألوان أدلة 13 الفيديو على الانترنت أسئلة وأجوبة متابعة الدعم عبر البريد الإلكتروني لأسئلتك الفردية وحدة إضافية متاحة عند الطلب الآن: الحرية الصفقات - 6 الاجهزة التي يمكن أن تنتج أرباح ضخمة مستوى المتوسطة دورة: سوينغ التداول مع الثقة أول 2 دورات التداول تعطيك أساسيات منهجية بلدي وتوفير الأساس لجميع بلدي تقنيات أكثر تقدما. الآن بعد أن كنت من خلال تلك الدورات 2، كنت على استعداد للبدء في تعلم تقنيات أكثر تقدما. في هذه الدورة سوف تعلم المزيد عن 2 طاقات أخرى نحن التجارة التي لم تكن مشمولة في الدورات 1 أو 2: إذا كنت حريصة على معرفة المزيد من مستويات عالية من نهج التداول المهنية، ثم وهذا هو حزمة بالنسبة لك. وتشمل هذه الدورة: أكثر من مرتين عدد أشرطة الفيديو التعليمية من أسس مؤسسة 1 أو دورة 2 (ناقص الرسم البياني انشاء أشرطة الفيديو). 1 كامل اللون دليل - ما يقرب من 100 صفحة من تفسيرات واضحة وضوح الشمس والرسوم التوضيحية بالألوان الكاملة. 18 فيديو - حوالي 15-30 دقيقة لكل منهما. على الانترنت أسئلة وأجوبة متابعة الدعم البريد الإلكتروني للأسئلة الفردية الخاصة بك وحدات إضافية المتاحة عند الطلب الآن: بلدي الشخصية الأساسية ووتش قائمة الأسواق أنا تتبع باستمرار. الصيغ الدقيقة لجميع عمليات المسح التي أستخدمها. دورة متوسطة المستوى: يوم التداول في حافة غير مرئية إذا كنت حريصة على معرفة المزيد من المستويات المهنية عالية المستوى نهج التداول، ثم وهذا هو حزمة بالنسبة لك. في التداول اليوم تحتاج إلى إدج عبر التجار الآخرين. هذه الحافة هي شيء تراه، والبعض الآخر لا - وهذا بالضبط ما تم تصميم هذه الدورة لتعطيك: حافة غير مرئية. في هذه الدورة سوف تتعلم: كيف ترى سوبورتريسيستانس أن الآخرين لا. كيف ترى نقاط التحول الرئيسية أن الآخرين لا. كيفية استخدام تحليل بين السوق لأرباح الدوري الكبرى. كيف تعرف أين المال الكبير هو حتى تتمكن من التجارة مع الكلاب الكبيرة بدلا من الحصول على مولد بها. كيفية استخدام فائقة قوية خلال يوم مؤشر القيادة تقريبا كل الهواة يتجاهل. كيفية اختيار الفترة الزمنية الكمال المطلق للرسوم البيانية التداول يومك لأي سوق. المؤشرات الداخلية التي تستخدم. يول أيضا الحصول على تقنيات التداول المتقدمة: بالضبط كيفية التجارة 4 أنماط الرسم البياني قيل لك أن التجارة في المؤسستين 1 و 2. 2 أقوى التقنيات للتجارة غابس (مختلفة تماما عن تقنيات التداول الفجوة في بلدي سوينغ التداول دورة). كيفية استخدام فولوم في التداول يومك (مختلفة تماما عن تقنيات حجم في بلدي دورة التداول سوينغ). كيفية استخدام مؤشر متخلفة ومؤشر الرائدة معا لمجموعة مذهلة 1-2 مثير للدهشة التي يمكن أن تحدث ثورة في التداول الخاص بك طوال الليل. هذا الأسلوب واحد وحده يستحق 10X استثمار هذه الدورة. المواد إيف أبدا تيت في أي مكان قبل فيبوناتشي تجارة شعبية جدا وتستخدم من قبل الكثير من التجار أن معظم كل برنامج التخطيط يتضمن أدوات الرسم فيبوناتشي. ومع ذلك فإن معظم التجار لا يعرفون كيفية استخدام الأدوات بفعالية (وهذا يعني الربحية). وتحيط أرقام فيبوناتشي في الغموض والدسيسة. والكثير من سوء الفهم والتضليل. هذا بالطبع يجلب الوضوح ويزيل سر لماذا تجارة فيبوناتشي يعمل بشكل جيد تماما وكيف بالضبط لاستخدامها لجني ثمار كبيرة. تجاوز النظرية (والضجيج) إلى الواقع العملي لما يعمل فعلا في العالم الحقيقي للتجارة المهنية. في هذه الدورة سوف تتعلم: كيفية استخدام فيبوناتشي لتحديد أهداف الربح. كيفية استخدام فيبوناتشي ل: يوم التداول سوينغ التداول الاستثمار ما هي بالضبط أفضل مستويات فيبوناتشي (نسب). أي أعلى مستوياته وأدنى مستوياته يمكن استخدامها لرسم تصحيحات فيبوناتشي. سواء لاستخدام الهيئات الحقيقية أو الفتائل من الشموع لرسم مستويات فيبوناتشي. كيفية تخصيص أدوات الرسم فيبوناتشي للحصول على أفضل النتائج. كيفية العثور على مستويات فيبوناتشي خارج نطاق التصحيحات. طريقة موضوعية للعثور تلقائيا على الارتفاعات والمنخفضات المناسبة لاستخدامها لرسم جميع مستويات فيبوناتشي. كيفية استخدام مستويات فيبوناتشي على: الفوركس. العقود الآجلة الأسهم أفضل فترات زمنية المخطط لاستخدام مستويات فيبوناتشي. كيفية استخدام مستويات فيبوناتشي للدخول والخروج من الصفقات. كيفية استخدام فيبوناتشي في الأسواق تتجه والأسواق متقلبة (نعم، وأنها تعمل على حد سواء). مستويات فيبوناتشي التي تعمل بشكل أفضل من غيرها ل ريتريسس والانتكاسات. الشمعدانات اليابانية هي شعبية جدا وتستخدم من قبل الكثير من التجار أن معظم كل برنامج التخطيط يتضمن خيار استخدام الشمعدانات. ومع ذلك فإن معظم التجار لا يعرفون كيفية استخدامها أدوات مربحة. هناك العديد من أنماط الشمعدان مع أسماء الباطنية، ويمكن أن يكون من الصعب جدا لحفظ كل منهم. ولكن الخبر السار هو أنك لم يكن لديك وراء الأسماء المزهرة وأسرارهم الآسيوية، أنماط شمعدان هي في الواقع منطقية جدا. في هذه الدورة أنا تبسيط الشمعدانات بالنسبة لك من خلال تعليمك لوجيك وراء أنماط. عندما كنت أفهم ذلك، لم يكن لديك لمعرفة جميع تكوينات مختلفة عن طريق الذاكرة النوتة. سوف تكون قادرة على النظر في أي شمعدان، انظر المنطق وراء ذلك، وعلى الفور تعرف ما يعنيه الأهم من ذلك، سوف تتعلم بالضبط كيفية استخدامها لجني ثمار كبيرة. في هذه الدورة سوف تتعلم: كشفت معنويات السوق في تشكيلات شمعدان. كيفية استخدام الشمعدانات ل: يوم التداول سوينغ تجارة الاستثمار أفضل، الأكثر وضوحا، وأعلى الاحتمالات أنماط الشمعدان. متى يمكنك أن تتوقع تشكيل شمعدان للتأثير على الرسم البياني. أفضل أنماط الاستمرارية. أفضل أنماط عكس. أفضل أنماط دخول التجارة. أفضل أنماط الخروج التجاري. كيفية تجنب إشارات وهمية أو خاطئة. أهمية الفتيل (الظل) على بار الشمعدان. كيفية قراءة مخطط شمعدان شريط تلو الآخر. كيفية تحديد متى الشمعدانات كسر الدعم. كيفية استخدام الشمعدانات على إطارات زمنية متعددة. كيفية استخدام الشمعدانات على: الفوركس. العقود الآجلة الأسهم أفضل فترات زمنية المخطط لاستخدام الشمعدانات. كيفية استخدام السعر العمل بالتزامن مع حجم. كيفية معرفة ما إذا كان للتجارة نمط انكماش اندلاع طويلة أو قصيرة (وهذا هو تقنية دقيقة بشكل مثير للدهشة نادرا ما رأيت من قبل). كيفية التجارة أنماط التالية مع الثقة: رئيس والكتفين. قمم مزدوجة. القيعان المزدوجة. إسلاند ريفيرزز مثيلات متناظرة تصاعدية مثلثات تنازلي المثلثات تصاعدي أسافين تنازلي أسافين مستطيلات بينانتس أعلام الثغرات الثغرات استمرار الثغرات ثغرات الثغرات ميغافونيس (المثلثات الموسع) دورة مقلوب التحركات مكافئ (نمط كبير بشكل خاص لتجار الفوركس) إذا كنت تريد تقنيات التداول المتقدمة حقا، ثم هذا هو بالطبع بالنسبة لك هذا هو بالطبع شامل يشمل تقنيات التداول المتقدمة ل: تجار الأسهم الفوركس التجار التجار في المستقبل يوم التجار التجار سوينغ شرط مسبق لأخذ هذه الدورة، هو أنه يجب أن يكون قد اتخذت أسس دورات 1 و 2 أولا . بخلاف هذين، لا حاجة إلى أي من الدورات الأخرى قبل اتخاذ هذا واحد. في هذه الدورة سوف تتعلم: طاقات جديدة (الطاقة 3 V): الطاقة من التقلب طاقة حجم الطاقة من السرعة إعدادات التجارة الجديدة: X علامات موجة مام بقعة 2 الصفقات مام موجة 3 الصفقات على المدى الطويل تأكيد دورة 10 دقيقة محاذاة الرسم البياني 5 دقائق محاذاة الرسم البياني شراء وبيع في دعم المقاومة (قبل السعر مستبعد منها) متقدمة دعم تقنيات المقاومة تحسين كسورية توقيت السعر دفعة دون تعقب نمط الصيد أسفل الايجابيات حتى تتمكن من التجارة معهم كيفية استخدام حجم في سوق الفوركس كيفية العثور على أفضل فرص التداول تداول كسورية متقدمة كيفية تداول مؤشر الفروقات (لتجار اليوم) كيفية تداول مؤشر التجميد (للتجار البديلين) كيفية تحديد ما إذا كان السوق سيعكس أو يتتبع مبدأ 3 9 ندوات قمبا المسجلة 6 ليف ترادينغ فيديوس إظهار تقنيات التداول المتطورة في هذه الدورة شاهد فيديو عن ذي توب دوغ ترادينغ دورة متقدمة هنا توب دوغ ترادينغز أكثر الناس شعبية وأنا مبورتانت ترادينغ فيديو بلدي الفيديو النشرة الإخبارية هو أفضل أداة التعليم المستمر لمنهجية أعلى الكلب التداول. بعد نشر مقاطع الفيديو لعدة سنوات، قدم الطلاب ملاحظاتهم حول المواضيع التي كانت الأكثر شعبية والأكثر فائدة لتداولهم. الآن، حتى لو غاب عنها، لديك فرصة أخرى للحصول على تلك أشرطة الفيديو نفسها للمساعدة في اتخاذ التداول الخاص بك إلى المستوى التالي. وتغطي مقاطع الفيديو هذه مواضيع مثل: تداول الفوركس المباشر لأيام التداول الكاملة مباشر التحليل الجزئي لكل شريط على حدة تقنيات الزخم مسابقات شيري بيكينغ ترادينغ ترادينغ إعلان بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي (بارابوليك موفس) تجارة علم النفس أهم شيء في التداول إعداد ما قبل السوق التداول المفتوح تجنب الخسائر الكاملة توقف زائدة. وأكثر من ذلك في حين يغطي كل مجموعة موضوع معين، وهناك العديد من الموضوعات الأخرى التي تغطيها أشرطة الفيديو أيضا - لذلك كل مجموعة من أشرطة الفيديو يأتي مع بعض الأفكار الإضافية مفاجئة بالنسبة للطلاب الأكثر خطورة لدينا التداول فقط. يمكنك الآن الحصول على جميع الدورات المتقدمة أعلى الكلب التداول (ما وراء المؤسسات دورات 1 و 2) عند شراء كل منهم معا كجملة ذهبنا إلى الوراء من خلال التاريخ للتحقق من أدنى الأسعار واتهم من أي وقت مضى خلال المبيعات والخصومات الخاصة واستخدام تلك أرقام لتسعير الدورات. هذا التسعير الخاص هو متاح فقط عند شراء حزمة كاملة معا (لا مزيج المباراة المباراة صنع). انقر هنا لهذا العرض غير العادي سوف تتلقى 3 أشرطة الفيديو (كل 15-30 دقيقة طويلة) كل أسبوع عبر البريد الإلكتروني. تظهر أشرطة الفيديو هذه بطريقة ديناميكية استراتيجيات التداول لدينا وكيف يتم تطبيقها على الأسواق المختلفة، في ظروف السوق الحالية. توب دوغ ترادينغ كوستوم إنديكاتورس لا يتطلب تداول الكلاب الأعلى (5-إنيرجي ميثودولوغي) أي مؤشرات خاصة أو خاصة. في نظام بسيط يستخدم اثنين من المؤشرات الأكثر شيوعا التي تتوفر على معظم برامج الرسوم البيانية. ومع ذلك، لمساعدتك على قراءة إشارات التداول والإعداد أسهل، خلقت إيف بعض المؤشرات المخصصة التي: رمز اللون المؤشرات. أتمتة التهم موجة. رسم تلقائيا أنماط الفرصة الثانية على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك. رسم مستويات فيبوناتشي تلقائيا. رسم تلقائيا محاور الطابق التاجر. رسم تلقائيا ارتفاع سوينغ كبيرة ومنخفضة. علامة أنماط شمعدان الهامة. موضوعيا تلوين الاتجاهات والاتجاهات أسفل. يمكنك تخصيص العديد من جوانب المؤشرات لتفضيلاتك الشخصية. كل شيء التحديثات في الوقت الحقيقي على حافة اليمين الثابت من الرسم البياني الخاص بك. وخلاصة القول هي أن هذه المؤشرات المخصصة تخلق كلاريتي في رؤية إعدادات المخطط، مما يوفر لك التجارة مع مزيد من الثقة. انقر هنا للحصول على مزيد من التفاصيل حول أهم مؤشرات الكلب المخصصة. توب دوغ ترادينغ فيسواليزد ترادر ​​سوفتوار يوفر الأعلى الكلب تصور برنامج التاجر وضوح البصرية ل عندما 5 محاذاة الطاقات عبر 3 فترات زمنية مختلفة. ويستخدم أروز، وصناديق ملونة وتنبيهات الصوت لاقول لكم عندما تتم محاذاة هذه الطاقات عبر الأطر الزمنية موتليبل، مما يجعل محاذاة الطاقة واضحة وبسيطة لنرى. تتوفر هذه المجموعة من البرامج فقط ل ثينك أور سويم و نينجاترادر. نينجاتريدر فيريون: شاهد فيديو من البرنامج هنا ميتاستوك بلوجين ل توب دوغ ترادينغ كان عدة سنوات في صنع و أخيرا المتاحة. 1. يسمح لك لمسح للإعدادات على كل من مخطط الإعداد وخطاب تأكيد لكل من الصفقات الطويلة والقصيرة (الصفقات الاتجاه، الصفقات عكس، الصفقات مثلث، أول دورة هايلو بعد داد يتحول الصفقات، وتجارة الشريط المطاطي). 2. تسميات إشارات بيسيل على الرسم البياني مع الأسهم. 3. إشارات بيسيل تأتي مع نافذة منبثقة يصف الإعداد التجاري، وقواعد الإعداد، وسعر الدخول وسعر توقف الخاص بك. كل عرض الحق على شاشة الكمبيوتر الخاص بك مع كل إشارة بويسيل 4. توفير قوالب الرسم البياني لكل من الرسم البياني الإعداد وتأكيد المخطط بما في ذلك جميع المؤشرات الإعداد وفقا لمعلمات التداول أعلى الكلب. 5. المؤامرات تلقائيا على الرسوم البيانية: التهم الموجة. مؤشر إشارة الشريط. فيبوناتشي. سوينغ دعم مستويات المقاومة. محاور الطابق التاجر. أنماط دورة الفرصة الثانية على مؤشر دورة. قوة الدفع. كل هذا متاح في ميتاستوك الأعلى الكلب أدوات التداول الجديدة (ملاحظة: هذا البرنامج هو متاح فقط من خلال ميتاستوك - انقر أدناه ليتم نقلك إلى صفحة ويب حيث أنها توفر البرنامج المساعد): شخصية واحدة أون-وان المدرب مع الدكتور. باري بيرنز دوريا تقدم مجموعة صغيرة جدا من الطلاب المتفانين الفرصة للحصول على التدريب الشخصي 1-on1 من قبل لي لمساعدتهم على اتخاذ تداولهم إلى المستوى التالي وتخصيص نهج التداول الذي يناسبهم. أراجع خطتهم التجارية الحالية ونتائجها، ثم أعمل معهم لتخصيص استراتيجية تناسب شخصيتهم ووضعهم المالي. ونحن نعمل على كل من الجوانب النفسية للتجارة وكذلك تكتيكات التحليل التقني الاستراتيجي المصممة خصيصا لهم. التشاور مرة واحدة مع در. باري بيرنز إذا كنت لا تحتاج إلى شهر من التدريب الشخصي (انظر أعلاه لهذه الخدمة) ولكن مثل مجرد التشاور لمرة واحدة مع الدكتور باري بيرنز، وهي متاحة الآن على أساس محدود. التكلفة هي 1،000hour (فواتير في الزيادات 30 دقيقة، تدفع مقدما، مع الحد الأدنى لمدة 30 دقيقة). لطلب التشاور، مراسلتنا على باريتوبدوجترادينغ إليكترونيك دوغ سياج التوصيات 1 النظام العام: بيتساف ياردماكس بالنسبة لمعظم المنشآت نوصي بتزاف ياردماكس. وهو سياج حاولت واختبارها التي أنتجت نتائج جيدة متسقة على مدى العقد الماضي. السياج لديه مزيج جيد من القيمة والميزات. نحن نستخدم بيتساف ياردماكس مع معظم عملائنا التثبيت و هو إلى حد بعيد النظام الأكثر شعبية في متجر على شبكة الإنترنت. ما يميز هذا النظام بعيدا، هو أنه هو السياج السلكية الوحيد الذي الكلب الخاص بك لا يمكن أن تمر من خلال. بل هو أيضا النظام الوحيد الذي يتيح لك تعيين الحدود لتمتد فقط خارج الفناء الخاص بك (بدلا من الداخل والخارج) بحيث يترك مساحة أكبر لكلبك. النظام لديه خمسة مستويات من التصحيح التدريجي، أن ضبط النفس لتأخذ في الاعتبار استمرار الكلب. نحن نحب طويلة-- الأمد بطارية قابلة للشحن طوق، والريشة طوق. لديها الياقات أيضا ميزة فريدة من نوعها مما يسمح لك لمعرفة ما إذا كانت قد تم تركيبها بشكل صحيح. والنظام متوافق مع قرون داخلية وخارجية لاسلكية حتى تتمكن من إبقاء الكلب الخاص بك من غرف معينة أو حديقة الخضروات. و أولتراسمارت هو أفضل للكلاب أكثر من 10lbs. ضعف أولتراسمارت هو أنه يمكن أن تحتوي فقط على الحد الأقصى من 10 فدانا لذلك ليس مناسبا للمنشآت كبيرة جدا. المدرب البعيد: إنوتك يوك-5100 إنوتك أولتراسمارت الحاويات والقطارات (يوك-5100) لكل من التدريب عن بعد وكلب سياج وظائف، إنوتك يوك-5100 يجمع 2 في 1. ويشمل النظام سياج الكلب الممتاز، على أساس بيتساف أولتراسمارت. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتضمن النظام جهاز التحكم عن بعد التي يمكن استخدامها للسيطرة على التصحيح على طوق من مجموعة تصل إلى 100 ياردة. ويشمل طوق بطارية ليثيوم أيون قابلة للشحن. ومجمعة مع النظام هي وحدة حماية الإضاءة والأسلاك الملتوية، على حد سواء إضافات اختيارية على معظم النظام الآخر. لهذا التنوع هناك بعض المبادلات. في حين أن إنوتك 5100 هو سياج الكلب ممتازة، بل هو فقط طوق التدريب المتوسط. مجموعة على طوق محدودة والصيد أو التدريب المتقدم، طوق التدريب مخصص سيكون خيارا أفضل. طوق هو أيضا أكبر وأكبر من النظم الرائدة الأخرى. 100 فدان السعة: سبورتدوغ سدف-100A بالنسبة للساحات الكبيرة جدا (أكثر من 10 فدادين)، فإن سبورتدوغ سدف-100 هو توصيتنا. و سدف-100 لديها مجموعة تصل إلى 100 فدانا، على عكس معظم أنظمة القوة العادية التي لديها مجموعة أقصاها 5-25 فدانا. و سبورتدوغ مفيد أيضا ل ياردة كبيرة في المناخات الباردة حيث قوة إشارة اضافية تمكنك من السلطة من خلال الثلوج المتراكمة. بنيت من قبل شركة كلب الصيد، سبورتدوغ، وهذا النظام هو واحد من أصعب وأكثر النظم المعمرة، مع تسرب المياه ممتازة بشكل خاص. كما يأتي النظام مع 1000 قدم من سلك الحدود مرتين بقدر ما تحصل معيار مع معظم النظم. العيب الرئيسي لهذا النظام هو طوق هي واحدة من أكبر وأثقل السلك الكلب الياقات السياج. الكلاب الصغيرة: بيتساف ليتل دوغ بيتساف ليتل دوغ (PIG00-10773) للكلاب الصغيرة. (تحت 10 £) بيتساف ليتل الكلب هو الطريق للذهاب. الياقات على أنظمة السياج الكلب العادية هي كبيرة جدا لتكون مريحة على كلب صغير. و بيتزاف ليتل الكلب لديه أصغر أخف طوق، وانخفاض مستويات التصحيح مما يجعلها الخيار الافضل للكلاب الصغيرة جدا. بيتساف ليتل الكلب هو أيضا متوافقة مع بيتزاف العنيد و بيتساف ديلوكس في الأرض السياج الكلب الياقات. حتى تتمكن من استخدام حجم كامل، طوق كامل القوة مثل بيتزاف العنيد، أو بيتساف ديلوكس لاحتواء الكلاب الأخرى باستخدام نفس النظام. العيب الرئيسي لل بيتساف ليتل الكلب هو أنه يستخدم بطارية بيتساف الملكية. البطارية تكلف حوالي 10 وتستمر فقط 2-3 أشهر. ولكن، إذا كان الكلب الخاص بك هو أقل من 10 رطلا هذا لا يزال الخيار الجيد الوحيد. اللاسلكية: هافهارت شعاعي للتركيبات اللاسلكية أو المحمولة، و هافهارت شعاعي شكل لاسلكي هو أفضل من الخيارات اللاسلكية الكلب السياج الثلاثة. أنظمة لاسلكية مثل هافهارت اللاسلكية، بيتساف بيف-300، و بيريميتر تكنولوجيز واي فاي مشروع حدود دائرية لاسلكيا، وبالتالي لا تتطلب سلك الحدود. وهذا يجعل هذه الأنظمة مريحة للغاية لإعداد. ومع ذلك، يمكنك دفع ثمن هذه الراحة مع انخفاض نسبي في الأداء مقارنة مع أفضل الأنظمة السلكية في الأرض. فالنظم اللاسلكية (وخاصة نماذج بيتساف و بيرميتر) تواجه صعوبة في الحصول على الحواجز المادية بينها وبين الكلب مثل الجدران والأشجار والمنحدرات وغيرها. كما أن الحدود التي تخلقها أقل دقة ويمكن أن تتحرك عدة أقدام من الثانية إلى الثانية. كما أنها بطيئة، وغالبا ما تصحيح الكلب ثواني متأخرا جدا ووقف التصحيح في وقت متأخر جدا. كل هذا يجعلها أقل فعالية من النظم القائمة على الأسلاك. ومع ذلك، أدخلت هافهارت مؤخرا أحدث سياج لاسلكي مع هافهارت شعاعي شكل سياج لاسلكي ومن الواضح أن أفضل من الثلاثة عند النظر في الاتساق الحدود، وتوقيت التصحيح، والحاجز تمريرة. من بين اثنين من وحدات لاسلكية أخرى، وكبار السن بيتساف اللاسلكية هو ثاني أفضل مع السياج واي فاي محيط القادمة في الثلث البعيد. استنادا إلى الاختبار الميداني لدينا، والسياج هافهارت اللاسلكية بسهولة يأخذ أعلى مرتبة الشرف، وينبغي أن يكون خيارك الأول عند شراء نظام سياج الكلب اللاسلكي. أعيش في ضاحية ولكن لدي الراعي الألماني الذي هو فنان الهروب. انها تسحب حرفيا لوحات خارج السياج للذهاب بعد السناجب التي ترغب في إغراء لها من ساحة الجيران. سلسلة ربط doesn8217t يزعجها سواء. لقد كنت أفكر في وضع شيء على طول خط السور لإبقائها خارج الأسوار. خلق حلقة سيكون صعبا (بسبب بلدي الإعداد المنزل أنا can8217t حلقة من خلال الجبهة وأنا don8217t تريد أن تنفجر عندما تسير في المنزل) لذلك I8217m يتساءل عما إذا كان كل من الأسوار السلكية تحتاج إلى أن تكون الحلقات. أيضا، أنا استئجار المنزل أنا في الآن حتى I8217d تفضل لتدوير الأسلاك إلى السياج حتى أستطيع بسهولة إزالته في وقت لاحق. هل أي من هذه الوحدات تكون متوافقة مع شيء من هذا القبيل شكرا لمساعدتكم هذا الموقع هو مفيدة للغاية. أدمين 8211 مرحبا جوش، كل من أسلاك الكلب السلكية تتطلب حلقة كاملة، ولكن يمكننا أن يكون قليلا الإبداعية حول كيفية جعل حلقة. إرسال رسم سريع و يمكننا رسم شيء يصل لك. أفترض أنك تحاول أن تفعل تخطيط الفناء الخلفي فقط. إذا كان لديك بالفعل سياج، يمكنك تشغيل جانب واحد من حلقة على طول الجزء العلوي من السور واستكمال حلقة عن طريق مضاعفة مرة أخرى على نفسك على طول الجزء العلوي من السياج (شريطة أن يكون السياج لا يقل عن 5 أقدام طويل القامة). بدلا من ذلك يمكنك تشغيل السلك على طول السياج، ثم إكمال حلقة عن طريق الذهاب إلى أسفل أسفل على منزلك ثم على طول مزراب وأسفل دونسبوت على الجانب الآخر من منزلك (الارتفاع الرأسي للسلك على المنزل يتيح الكلب دخول والخروج من خلال الباب). لدي مختبران يبلغان من العمر 12 عاما. رئيس قوي جدا ولكن أيضا ودية للغاية جدا مع الجميع بما في ذلك الحيوانات الأخرى. ولكن أواجه صعوبة في حفظها في السياج الكهربائي الذي لدي الآن. حصلنا على نظام إنسانية تحتوي على اثنين من الياقات ولها تشغيل حوالي 1 12 8211 2 فدانا من الأرض. وغني عن القول أنه doesn8217t الاحتفاظ بها الواردة. يمكن تشغيلها من خلال ذلك. (قصتي هي تماما مثل السيدة التي نشرت عن مالاموت لها، كريستي، وقالت انها نشرت في 6 مارس.) أنا بحاجة إلى شيء من شأنها أن تبقي لهم في الفناء. لدينا حوالي مائة فدانا من المناطق المشجرة وأنا don8217t يريدون لهم في هناك القيام به لجميع الصيادين لدينا. الرجاء مساعدتي في العثور على سياج من شأنها أن تبقي لهم في شكرا لك. أدمين 8211 هاي كارين، مع مختبرات قوية برئاسة، I8217d يوصي بيتساف العنيد. ويوفر أقوى مستويات التصحيح المتاحة بين جميع الأسوار الكلب. يمكنك استخدام السلك من النظام الحالي. لدي مالاميوت هوشي مزيج هذا هو 22 شهرا من العمر ويبدو أن مجرد ضرب مرحلة المراهقة. وقالت انها قررت أن تذهب من خلال سياجها الكهربائية في 4 أيام الماضية. انها تعمل بسرعة بحيث أنها لا تعطي حتى إشارة تحذير. وهو نظام إنوتيك الأساسي. لقد وضعنا في بطارية جديدة، تشديد طوق، فحص للتأكد من أنها تعمل، وتحولت فيلد تصل إلى أعلى مستوى وأنها لا تزال بشجاعة تشغيل من خلال. وقالت انها لم يركض مرة أخرى من خلال السياج في العودة إلى ديارهم. لقد وضعت لها على المقود وسار لها حول خط السياج اليوم حتى أنها ذهبت إلى فيلد وسمعت صوت تجاهلها. أنا سحبت ظهرها كما فعلنا في ب التدريب أسيك و كانت لا تزال تحاول تشغيل من خلال الحصول في نهاية المطاف صدمة. ثم أرادت أن تعود إلى الباب الأمامي ولا تثق بي عند المشي على المقود حول المنطقة الآمنة. هل يمكنك تقديم اقتراح حول كيفية الحد من هذه المشكلة هل نحن بحاجة إلى سياج من شأنه أن يعطي العقاب أسرع أدمين 8211 مرحبا كريستي، كم هي الحدود التي أنشئت في لحظة إذا كان لديك إعداد ما لا يقل عن خمسة أقدام واسعة على أي من الجانبين من الحدود يجب أن تكون على ما يرام، وإلا فإنه قد يكون من المفيد التداول حتى نظام أكثر قوة. وأظن أنها لا تحصل على التصحيح باستمرار من الوصف الخاص بك، منذ بعض الوقت يبدو أنها تتجاهل الحدود 8211 ولكن عندما تحصل على التصحيح أنها تتراجع. خصوصا مع أن سميكة معطف مالاموت أجش الحصول على تحقيقات للمس الجلد أمر صعب. يمكنك التفكير قليلا الشعر مع مقص. عند وضع طوق على، وسوف تحتاج إلى تذبذب تحقيقات قليلا وتحريك الشعر للخروج من الطريق مع أصابعك. كنت تفعل الشيء الصحيح إعادة تدريب لها والاحتفاظ بها على المقود. كنت تريد تجنب كسر السياج تصبح عادة. إذا كنت لا تتحول إلى الحاجة إلى نظام آخر، فإن إنوتك يوك-4100 يكون خيارا جيدا لأنه يحتوي على طوق الكشف عن وضع مناسبا من شأنها أن تتيح لك معرفة ما إذا كان الحصول على طوق على تماما وعندما كنت don8217t. لدينا الكثير من 12 فدان في منطقة سكنية بلدة صغيرة واثنين من 90 الجنيه المستردون الذهبي. وقد أثيرنا الصغار من الجرو ولكن كبار السن كان كلب مأوى، خجول تماما، لكنه يهرب عندما يحصل على فرصة. الذهب الأصغر سنا هو جامح تماما ومذرية بعض الشيء لذلك أخشى أنه سيتم تشغيل فقط من خلال أي حدود. ولكن نحن don8217t تريد شيئا قويا جدا لأن الكلب الأكبر سنا جدا وحساسة. ما هي التوصيات الخاصة بك أدمين 8211 هاي كيرستن، مع اثنين Golden8217s، حساسيتها لتصحيح من المرجح أن تكون مشابهة، وأود أن أقترح إنوتك إوك-4100 أو بيتساف العنيد كنظم جيدة. إنوتك هو أصغر، قابلة للشحن، ولها طوق تناسب الميزة التي سوف تكون مفيدة مع الشعر الطويل على الذهبي. العنيد هو نظام قوي، ولكن يمكنك إيقاف تشغيله. مع المسترجعين الذهبي 8211 وأود أن تبدأ على مستوى 2 أو مستوى 3. والعنيدة هو أكبر قليلا وغير قابلة للشحن ولكن سيكون أرخص قليلا. مع زميل شاب أن لديك مخاوف بشأن، وإدراج بعض الإغراءات القوية في التدريب في الأيام القليلة الماضية بحيث يحصل على رسالة أنه لا يمكن أن يمر من خلال بغض النظر عن ما هو على الجانب الآخر. الاقتراض الكلب الجيران يعمل دائما بشكل جيد، كما يفعل الطعام أو أحد أفراد الأسرة الآخرين. مع التدريب، وأنا don8217t أعتقد سيكون لديك أي مشاكل في الحصول على المسترد الذهبي الواردة، فإنها تميل إلى أن تكون وسيلة سهلة لتدريب السلالة. لدي اثنين من 4 الجراء القديمة من العمر. واحد هو الراعي الألماني، والآخر هو أجش. كلاهما على الجانب الكبير من السلالات. أتوقع أن يكون كل منهم بالقرب من 100 رطل عندما نمت بشكل كامل. لدينا 4 فدان وترغب في الاحتفاظ بها الواردة في الممتلكات. لدينا الغزلان والحياة البرية الأخرى أن الكلاب ترغب في مطاردة بعد. ما هو النظام الذي توصي به لحالتي. شكرا أدمين 8211 مرحبا ديبورا، وأود أن الانتظار حتى هم 6 أشهر لبدء التدريب. في ستة أشهر أنها تميل إلى تعلم أسرع بكثير من عندما يكونون الجراء. يمكنك أن تبدأ في وقت سابق إذا كان يمكن أن تفعل ثقة 8220sitstaycome، 8221 وإلا سوف ننتظر حتى 6 أشهر. بالنسبة للراعي الألماني والأجوس، فإن سبورتدوغ سدف-100 أو بيتساف العنيد سيكون خيارا جيدا. فمن المرجح أن غسد سوف تتطلب تصحيح أقوى من الاسكيمو، لذلك سيكون من الجيد أن يكون هناك نظام مع تصحيح قوي ومستقل. لدينا مولي، 2 سنة أجش السيبيري القديم. هي هوديني. وقد هربت 6 مرات في الأسبوع الماضي. عندما نجد أين خرجت، الثابتة، ثم انها سوف تجد طريقة جديدة للخروج. انها حفرت حفرة تحت السياج حوالي 6 بوصات أمبير عميقة قدم أمبير طويلة حصلت على الخروج. الوجه الصفع لها الوجه كله الموحلة لذلك نحن الرقم انها خرجت على جانبها وقالت انها تعلمت كيفية فتح باب الشاشة في منزلنا الأم 8217s (مقبض المنسدلة) ودفعه مفتوحة. نحن نعيش على طريق مزدحم حيث هناك 2 التلال الكبيرة. we8217re في الجزء العلوي من التل حيث السيارات لا يمكن أن نرى حتى أنهم 8217re هنا. لدينا 12 فدان الكثير و 3021540 حظيرة القطب في زاوية واحدة. لقد رأيت بعض الوحدات اللاسلكية المحمولة، سيكون رائعا إذا كنا يمكن أن تأخذ النظام معنا عندما نذهب إلى والدينا منذ نزورهم في كثير من الأحيان (أخذ معها معنا)، وقد وجدت مولي عدة طرق للخروج من ساحة بهم أيضا. هل هذا امكان، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك، هل يمكن أن نأخذ في عطلة إذا قررنا أن تأخذ مولي معنا ماذا تقترح أدمين 8211 مرحبا كاندي، وحدات لاسلكية كبيرة لأخذ عطلة، لأنه يمكنك بسهولة أخذ وحدة و بعض الأعلام معك وإنشاء حدود جديدة في موقع العطلات. الجانب السلبي من اللاسلكية ومع ذلك أنها تكافح مع بعض الناس 8217s المنازل. واحدة من الأشياء التي يكافحون معها هي التلال. وهناك قاعدة جيدة من الإبهام هو أنه إذا كنت تتخيل المنزل مصنوع من الزجاج، وإذا كنت قد ترى أسفل التل ثم وحدة من المرجح أن تعمل، إذا كنت لا يمكن أن نرى أسفل التل ثم كنت من المرجح لن تحصل على إشارة جيدة. إذا كنت ترغب في وحدة لاسلكية لاتخاذ عطلة، فإنه يستحق محاولة شيء مثل هافهارت اللاسلكية، فإنه ينبغي أن يكون واضحا في غضون بضع دقائق من توصيل ما إذا كان سيعمل في موقعك. وإذا كان لا يعمل يمكنك إرسالها مرة أخرى. خيار آخر هو استخدام نظام السلكية ووضع محيط الثاني في المنزل الخاص بك الأم 8217s. هذا سيكون المزيد من العمل، ولكن الأنظمة السلكية تعمل أكثر بكثير باستمرار من اللاسلكية لذلك سيكون لديك نتيجة أفضل. مرحبا، لدينا ما يقرب من 6 أشهر من العمر ذكر شيتلاند كلب الراعي (شيلتي). هذه هي الكلب الوحيد الذي نملكه. لدينا حوالي 14 فدان، لا الأشجار. أساسا كل شقة. I8217ve حصلت يقتبس أن يكون سياج غير مرئية تثبيتها المهنية. ولكن قد تقرر تثبيت نفسي واحد. ماذا ستوصي بشيلتي. I8217d ترغب في الحصول على نظام لطيف جدا. قد نحصل على كلب آخر في المستقبل. ويمكن أن يضمن تقريبا أنها لن تكون أكبر من 45 رطلا. ماذا تقترح شكرا على وقتك. أدمين 8211 هاي إد، مع الكلاب الرعي مثل شيلتيز لديك الكثير من الخيارات لأنها تميل إلى أن تكون ذكية وحساسة لتصحيح. سيكون لدينا الخيار الأول أنوتك إوك-4100، طوق صغير وقابلة لإعادة الشحن. و 4100 أيضا لديه طوق التي تمكنك من معرفة ما إذا كان يتم تركيبها بشكل صحيح وهو مفيد في الكلاب الشعر الطويل مثل شيلتي حيث المناسب طوق يمكن أن تكون صعبة. أنا بحاجة إلى توصية لنظام من شأنها تأمين 2 الكلاب مختلفة جدا في 3-5 فدان. لدي هائلة (البكم) كلب الصيد مزيج صغير (28-30lbs) خجول جدا، هيلر مزيج. النيص الذي يعيش في مكان ما بالقرب من وطننا قد كلفني 500 في فواتير بيطري في الأسبوع الماضي، لأن هوند يبقي يعود للثأر. I8217m قلق أيضا حول الصيد من خلال تشغيل السور وأخذ الصدمة لذلك أود أن نظام مع البعيد وكذلك مستويات مختلفة من التصحيح كما هما سووو مختلفة في temperaturement8230 الرجاء المساعدة. أنا في نهاية الحبل بلدي. نيكي أدمين 8211 مرحبا نيكي، إذا كان لديك مدرب عن بعد مع السياج الخاص بك أمر لا بد منه، والسياج you8217ll تحتاج إلى الحصول على إنوتك 5100 لمزيج الصيد الخاص بك و هيلر. يعمل عن بعد مع ما يصل الى اثنين من الياقات، لذلك سوف تعمل بشكل جيد بالنسبة لك. السياج نفسه لديه 3 مستويات من التصحيح ويعمل بشكل جيد مع معظم الكلاب. حصلت it8217s أنيق، ذوي الياقات البيضاء ذوي الياقات البيضاء that8217s أيضا قابلة لإعادة الشحن. ومع ذلك، فإن مفتاح مستوى التصحيح موجود على جهاز إرسال الجدار. وهذا يعني أن كلا الكلاب سوف تواجه نفس مستوى التصحيح. إذا كان وجود مستويات تصحيح مختلفة أمر لا بد منه لكل من الكلاب الخاصة بك، ثم I8217d يوصي بيتساف العنيد السياج الكلب واستخدام طوق على مزيج الصيدلة ثم حزمة في طوق بيتزاف ديلوكس لل هيلر. نضع في اعتبارنا أن إنوتك 5100 هو السياج الوحيد لدينا مع المدرب البعيد. السياج يأتي مع ما يكفي من الأسلاك لتغطية 13 من فدان، لذلك you8217ll تحتاج إلى إضافة 2000 قدم إضافية من الأسلاك لتغطية 3-5 فدانا من الممتلكات. لدي 80 رطل دوبيرمان و 70 رطل الراعي الألماني (كلاهما 2 سنة). أنا نقاش بين بيتساف العنيد و إنوتيش 4100. لست متأكدا إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تصحيح إضافي مع النظام العنيد. أريد الحصول على نظام أفضل ولكن أنا don8217t تريد الكلاب كسر السياج كل يوم لأن التصحيح ليست قوية بما فيه الكفاية. Can u please help me with a solution Admin 8211 Hi Noor The Innotek 4100 is our most recommended system and would be a good fit for your Doberman and German Shepard. Both could be slightly stubborn and if that is the case then the PetSafe Stubborn would also work well for you. The Innotek 4100 has both battery backup and rechargeable collar, the PetSafe Stubborn does not. If those things are important to you. I hope I have been of some help. I just received my Innotek IUC-4100 but I have a 2 questions for your prior to installation. First, a few weeks ago, a representative from a leading invisible fence company came out to explain his product. It was far more expensive than what I can accomplish with the Innotek product. However, he did mention that their company can 8220kill8221 the connection at special places by driving some type of a metal stake into the ground rather than by twisting the wire like Innotek recommends. Is this possible to do with an Innotek product Second, I would rather slip the wire through a plastic conduit so that I don8217t accidentally cut it later when I am digging in that area of the yard ( I am planning to dig till the the ground for a future hedge row but not quite ready do do so at this time). Thanks for your assistance. ADMIN 8211 Hi Andy, We seen some people use a metal stake on both sides of an open section of the fence to complete the loop. The way it works is that the signal instead of going through wire is conducted through the ground. It tends to work spottily where we are located because the ground dries out and the ground stops being conductive so we don8217t use this method. You can certainly give it a try, but I would avoid doing it that way. (Let us know how it works if you give it a try, most of our customers have not had much luck) You can run the wire through plastic conduit. It works great to protect the wire and does not block the signal. We generally use the black plastic tubing used for irrigationsprinkler systems. The flexibility of the tubing makes it easier to work with than PVC. I have two male beaglelabrador mixed dogs, they are brothers and weigh in at 45 pounds each. They have been trained with the Sport Dog field trainers, and they respond very well to the beeper when I take them places to let them run. My family is moving out to the country, and we have the chance to put an electronic fence in around our entire house so they can get off of their tie outs and have much more freedom. They have been separated for a while, and while they get along when we walk them together, they tend to get a little unruly when they are together. We have debated between the Innotek contain and train and the SD 2100 because it is rechargeable. Our thinking was it would be nice with the contain and train, because not only do they learn their new boundary but we still have a little control of them when they get unruly with each other, or when we8217re teaching them new things, like not to jump or chase vehicles. They are really sensitive, and on the Sportdog trainer I never even have to use the electronic stimulation. What would you suggest I8217m looking for the easiest way to do this, because in about four months I am leaving for school and my mom is taking over. If we do the Contain and Train, is it going to confuse the dogs because they are learning their new boundaries at the same time Would I be better off just using the SD 2100 and teaching them their boundaries first I apologize for the somewhat random questions, but I am looking to find the best way to go about this. Thank you for reading this and any advice will be appreciated One thing negative I read about the contain and train is that it can be confusing to a dog to use the remote trainer at the same time as teaching them about the boundary line. ADMIN 8211 Hi Kallie, To avoid confusion I would do the dog fence containment training first. (you can either use the SD-2100 or use the Innotek IUC-5100 and keep the training function switched off) Then after a month start using the system for obedience training too. As you note, dogs get confused when you introduce both at the same time. Once the dogs are used to the containment system, adding the correction for obedience training as well is no big deal. One thing to note, the Contain and Train is not as good as a dedicated field trainer. It works for training around the house, and basic obedience training where the dog is under 10 yards away. But, it does not work as well at the field trainers for training hunting dogs where you often need a range of 1 miles. We have A 75 lb labheeler cross and a 20 lb Westie. We8217d be happy to restrict them to 2-3 acres around the house, which is surrounded by flat lawn, 2508242 from the road to the north. 1808242 from the road to the east, 1508242 from the neighbor to the south, and 208242 from the pasture fence to the west (1208242 from the SE corner). Is it worth considering a Havahart wireless system Would it protect the NW yard on the far side of the house What would you recommend as a best solution. ADMIN 8211 Hi Ed, Having open flat land sounds are good conditions for a wireless system. But, you also need to locate the system close to the center of the property, since it can only create a circular boundary with the center where the base station is located. Since, it sounds like your house is closer the western boundary, the fence would not work well if located in the house, you would want to find another location with shelter from the weather and a power outlet that is closer to the center (e. g. a barn or shed). Wired systems are generally much better than wireless, because they create more reliable boundaries and can be shaped exactly to the property. With two dogs that are so different in size, a good choice of system would be the PetSafe Deluxe. The collar on the PetSafe Deluxe is small enough for a Westie to be comfortable, but can produce a stronger correction sufficient for a lab mix. I have a border collie kelpie mix and he is about 4 12 and he has started to run farther and farther away from home and I need a system that will keep him home and away from cars. We live out in the country but there is still a lot of traffic and I dont want him to get hurt. What would be the best system for an older dog to learn the quickest on Thanks for your help. ADMIN 8211 Hi Rebekah, Herding dogs like Border Collies and Kelpies tend to be among the easiest dogs to train because of their highly developed intelligence, so you would have a lot of good options you could choose from. If the area you are enclosing is under 15 acres, the Innotek IUC-4100 is a good choice 8211 the inbuilt collar fit tester will be useful with the longer fur. If the area is over 15 acres, then the SportDog SDF-100A would be a good choice with its more high powered transmitter. PS 8211 if he is an older dog, it is worth checking that he can still hear. You would be surprised at how many older dogs can8217t hear but have learned to adapt so their owners never notice. Clap when the dog is looking in another direction and see if he responds. If the dog is hard of hearing we would want to get a collar with a vibration setting (like the SportDog SDF-100 or the PetSafe Stubborn). I have a 1 year old Yellow Lab. We have a pretty goo sized yard. We are considering buying a batting cage for my son. It will take up about 35ft x 12ft of space. My only hesitation is that the dog will tear it up. Any recommendations on what I can do here ADMIN 8211 Hi Tom, Blocking off a small area like the batting cage is the perfect job for the Pawz-Away Rock and Collar set. Since the cage is long and thin, you would be better off operating the rock in wired mode (rather than wireless). You can simply string the wire in a big loop around the batting cage either interweaving it through the chain-link or zip-tying it in place. Hi we have a chocolate lab (female) and we own about 5 acres and would like to fence it all off she that she can run around, right now we keep her on a retracable leash as she loves to sniff the rabbit tracks and we are afraid she will take off and chase them. I need to know what fence we should use would like to bury it as we have 5 horses also. thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Janine, With a Lab and 5 acres, I would do an Innotek IUC-4100. It is a rechargeable system, that has a nice thin collar, and is very accurate and reliable. Another good option would be the SportDog SDF-100A, also a very good system and a little cheaper, but it has larger collar and you need to keep buying batteries for the unit. I have recently rescued a 53 lb. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier mix. Mostly I walk her on a leash, but she loves to play fetch as well. I have a small patioyard area which is enclosed with a 4 foot wall. She has already jumped the wall, headed for the golf course at top speed, but came back at the last minute because I had the tennis balls I would like to be able to have her in the yard with me without a leash but always with supervision. Would you recommend a wireless system, a buried system, or a remote trainer ADMIN 8211 Hi Suse, To keep the dog contained within an area, I think a wired dog fence is your best bet. A wired system will give your dog consistent corrections when they stray making it much easier to train the dog not to try escaping. The problem with a remote trainer is that it is not as consistent, because the human operator is rarely consistent enough. (people forget to always have the remote handy, or aren8217t watching, or don8217t correct the dog on time) Plus, a remote trainer usually only teaches the dog not to escape when you watching. Wireless fences are a step in the right direction, but are less consistent than the wired systems, so if you have the option go with a wired system. We have a 150lb mastiff and a 60lb pit mix. The smaller dog is the stubborn one. She is a bit harder to train and listen to commands. We are confused by what system to buy and if we go with 2 collars. We want to contain 2 acres and want rechargeable collars. Could you give us some advice on which direction to go. thank you ADMIN 8211 Hi Sandy, With so much difference in weight, I would prefer to see you get a system with independent correction because it is likely that each dog will require a different correction level. With both a Mastiff and a Pit Bull Mix, it is definitely possible you may need the higher correction levels. So the system that leaps out to me is the PetSafe Stubborn. The system is not however rechargeable 8211 it uses a disposable 9V battery that lasts about three months. If you wanted, you could get a rechargeable 9V battery from a Radio Shack, Walmart or Hardware Store. If you wanted something rechargeable straight out of the box, the Dogtra EF-3000 would be a good choice too. But, the PetSafe is much cheaper even if you have to go out and buy a set of rechargeable batteries and a recharger and I think it is better suited to your breeds 8211 so the PetSafe would be my first choice. We have a 2 year old border colliecollie cross and she has taken lately to chase joggersbikers that travel down our road in front of our house. For the safety of the people on the road and our dog, we bare thinking of getting an invisible fence put across the front of our place. We live on 5 acres in a rural setting with about 1258242 of house frontage and 1258242 of field frontage. There is also a paved driveway down the middle which has a conduit pipe running underneath so we can supply power to the other side of the driveway. Would the driveway impede the strength of the signal compared to the grass What system would you recommend The dogs are in the water quite a bit8230. ADMIN 8211 Hi Tracy You can run the containment fence wire through the conduit. The signal can penetrate the concrete as long as it is not too thick (more than a foot). If you need to, you can turn up the boundary width control dial to get a stronger signal to penetrate thicker sections of concrete 8211 just be aware this will result in a wider boundary in other sections of the property. With border collies, the Innotek IUC-4100 would be a good choice, it has a small collar, a collar fit sensor (which is useful on long hair dogs like collies), is rechargeable, and has good waterproofing for dogs that like to swim. Thank you for your advice, I understand that there are 3 grades of the IUC-4100 systems, the Regular, the Heavy Duty and the Super Heavy Duty. I am assuming that in getting the Super heavy duty that the extra expense is worth it Also i noticed that there is an IUC-4200 with the same three grades. Taking these two systems into account would the 4200SHD be better than the 4100SHD Where do i email the sketch to for your advice on the layout please Thanks again. ADMIN 8211 Hi Jill, Wire grades 8211 most of the systems come standard with 20 gauge wire which is what the manufacturers recommend. You can get the systems with different grades (read thickness) of wire. Unless you are doing a very large area near the limit of the system (read 15 acres on an Innotek 4100) where wire resistance becomes an issue, there is no real benefit from thicker grades. The thicker wires don8217t seem to be more durable in practice. The things that cut the wire (lawnmowers, aerators, edgers) slice through all the grades with equal ease We offer the thicker gauges for a small additional charge for customers that want it, but for most people it is not something we recommend. Innotek 42004100 8211 Confusingly the 4200 is an old version of the 4100 which included the 4100 system bundled with a few extra goodies. Innotek discontinued the 4200 in 2008. But, I think some folks still have dead stock or are assembling their own. We have not stocked the 4200 for a couple of years. We have just had a red heeler turn up as a stray, cannot find the owner after a lot of work trying. Have yet to confirm age but seems like around 8-10 months. She is very fast if she sees a deer or squirrel etc, quite the hunter. Very lively Seems like she is not going to like being in a large chainlink dog run so we are thinking of an electrical fence instead. Haven8217t used one before and not much experience with dogs. We have around 2 acres that we would either allow her the whole area to be fenced into or we could just let her have the run of the back yard area if it was too expensive or difficult to do the whole 2 acres. We are on a lake fronted property so I assume that these collars are waterproof if she went in the lake Or would we have to fence that off too We would like to allow her to come up to the house from the yard and on the deck can we run the wire next to the metal siding on the housedeck area or will this interfere with the system Could you advise the best system and the rough cost please Appreciate it greatly. ADMIN 8211 Hi Jill, Where possible, I prefer to give the dogs a bigger area. The cost of extra wire is minimal and if you use a trencher 8211 doing 2 acres is only a few hours of work. Especially for a high energy dog like a Red Heeler, the more space you can give them the better. The collars on most of the better systems are waterproof. Most people will fence off the lake so the dog does not have unrestricted access. Otherwise, the dogs will continually be wet and tracking mud into the house. Instead, they give the dog only limited access, where the dog is allowed to go only when you give them permission (and take the collar off). If you do want to give the dog complete access to the water, there are some sample lakefront layouts on our planning page. Not sure I understand the layout you are proposing. There are lots of ways to arrange the layout so that the dog still has free access to the home. Metal siding can sometimes amplify the signal, so we want to be strategic about where we put the wire to make sure you don8217t get signal in the house. If you email us a sketch we are happy to diagram something out for you For a Red Heeler, an Innotek IUC-4100 would be my top choice. It is a great system with a rechargeable (and waterproof collar). The cost for 2 acres is likely to be around 340. Another good choice would be the SportDog SDF-100, which is a bigger collar and a uses a disposable battery, but will be closer to 250. I have a 75 Yellow Lab pup that we want to be able to run free on our 10 acres. A large majority of the property borders are restricted from crossing due to blackberrys and other obstaclesclosed fencing. However, we are particularly concerned with approximately 1000 feet across the front bordering our neighbor. Unfortunately this is also where our driveway passes through. What would you suggest ADMIN 8211 Hi Gary, For a lab on 10 acres, the Innotek IUC-4100 would be a good choice if you want something rechargeable. If you want a disposable battery, the SportDog SDF-100 is a little bigger, but also very good. There are two potential dog fence layouts you could choose. If you just want to block off the 1,000 feet, you could do a long thin loop across the front (diagram 6 on the layouts page ). If you wanted to block off the whole property, you could do a large loop of boundary wire around the entire property (layout 1). I suggest the later option, because often once a dog has got the taste for wandering 8211 then even if you block off the obvious escape routes 8211 they will start looking for more. Getting across the driveway should be no big deal, take a look at our driveway installation pages. We have a 12 week old Great Dane puppy and are considering an invisible fence for our yard. We live in a duplex condo but have a pretty good sized back yard and side yard because we are on the end. We were considering the Wifi wireless system but after reading your reviews have decided that we don8217t think it is the best choice. We would like to have a reliable fence that we can count on but running the wire in our situation seems almost impossible, I have laid awake many nights trying to figure this out. I was wondering if you had any ideas of how we could run wire in the ground with our situation and have a reliable fence. Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Billy. When doing the wiring for a duplex, we generally run the wire up over the home to complete the loop. If there is a basement, you could also go down below your home to complete the dog fence circuit. If you wanted to try wireless, the new Havahart Wireless would be a good option. PS 8211 I would wait until the pup is 6 months to start the training. A 12 week old Great Dane is a big dog, but they are still a pup in terms of mental development and most will be slow to learn the dog fence system. Much better to wait till they are 6 months when they will catch on very quickly. I have 1 black lab 10 mos old. We have a 34 acre back yard that has a 3 ft fence around it. He has stayed in until recently. We live in the mountains and have deer. He has now realized that he can jump the fence. He rarely does it, but I would hate to be gone from home and have him escape. I am wondering which fence system would be good to set the wire on the top of the existing fence. I want him to have full use of the yard to the fence. Admin 8211 Hi April, You can mount the wire from any wired electric dog fence on too of your current physical fence and it will work great. Labradors tend to be very easy customers and you have a lot of choices. The Innotek IUC-4100 is a good choice if you want something smaller and rechargeable. The SportDog SDF-100A is a good choice for a less expensive system. I8217m trying to figure out an easy way to setup an above ground system for the backyard that will still let my labrador go in and out of the back door. Running the wire twice around the yard is not an option since only a postage stamp-sized area would be left. I was looking at the Innotek Smart Dog Fence SD-2100 and thinking about running the wire over the door, along the roof line but I8217m not sure how close she would need to come to the wire before getting zapped Also the only outlets in the yard are within about 2 feet of the back door. Any ideas, advice ADMIN 8211 Hi Jenny, Take a look at the Installation 8211Planning section of the website for a whole lot of diagrams for how you can do a backyard layout. One good way to do it, is to run the wire up a guttering downspout, across the gutters on the roof, then down a downspout on the other side of the house. The distance the dog can get to the wire before getting the correction depends on how wide you set the fence (it is controlled by a dial on the control box). You will typically want it to be 3-5 wide on either side of the wire. You need to add another three feet of safety buffer 8211 so the wire needs to be at least 6-8 feet above the dogs head to avoid correction 8211 this is rarely a problem on a typical roof line which is 10 feet high. Hi, I have adopted a wonderful 3 year old 74 lb. Belgian Malinois. She has a bit of separation anxiety when we leave and has dug under the fence to check on the front of the house and chase neighborhood squirrels. What fence do you recommend for our dog Thanks Michelle ADMIN 8211 Hi Michelle, I don8217t have much experience with Belgian Malinois. From what I understand they are a working dog that was bred to be a sheepdog and later a guard dog. I think a conservative choice would be a PetSafe Stubborn system. Often sheepdogs and guard dogs are bred to be very brave and having low sensitivity to pain. The PetSafe Stubborn has the strongest correction, I am not sure you will need all that correction, so I would start with that system on medium-low and work your way up the correction levels if you need it. We have a couple of year and a half old Labs. Our back yard is fenced with Cedar pickets, and we do not have any issues with them escaping from the yard. Our problem is with our 106 pound male Lab bolting, or bullying his way out the front door, or the gate when we open them. We love him, but we are spent with chasing him down What would you recommend to keep him from going through these doors and gates ADMIN 8211 Hi Lee, If the only space you are trying to block is the front door and the front gate, you could use a couple of the Pawz-Away Outdoor Pods to block his path rather than a full dog fence system. These pods are wireless so installation is very fast. They are also cheaper than a full fence and a good choice when only trying to block a small area. I have a 3 year old Red Heeler approximately 35 pounds and a 6 month old Pitbull that is 70 lbs that will get up to 120 lbs. We have an acre and a half. What system would be best for us. ADMIN 8211 Hi Donna, With that much difference in size, a system where we can use two different collars for the dogs would be a big advantage. I would get a PetSafe Stubborn system and use the included PetSafe Stubborn collar for the Pit Bull. The Red Healer could use a PetSafe Stubborn collar too (just keep it on the low levels), but would probably be more comfortable in the smaller PetSafe Deluxe collar which would work with your PetSafe Stubborn system. I am thinking on installing a Innotek 2000 but my friend has a Petsafe stubborn and i was wondering if the collars would work on both systems. ADMIN 8211 Hi Kenny, The Innotek collars will not work on the PetSafe system. If you want something compatible with your friend8217s system you will either need a PetSafe Stubborn, PetSafe Deluxe, or PetSafe Little Dog system. We have a 5 month beaglelab puppy. She is about 20 lbs right now. We are on a 34 acre lot and our neighbors have a PetSafe Deluxe in-ground system. Which system would you recommend Do we have to worry about it interfering with our neighbors How far away would would we need to put the wire from theirs Thank You ADMIN 8211 Hi Beth, You will likely interference from your neighbor8217s fence if you get too close. Getting 12 feet of separation will avoid interference, but you could be able to get closer. One way to avoid interference is to use a system that lets you use multiple frequencies, that way you can adjust the frequency and avoid clashing with the neighbor8217s system. A good choice for a beaglelab with adjustable frequencies is the SportDog SDF-100: We have a 12 week old Jack Russell. I am looking into which fence system would be best for a 38 acre yard Also, what age do you think is best to start with a system I was liking the wireless systems because we have plenty of trees to dig around. Thanks for your help ADMIN 8211 Hi Joe, Wireless systems are easy to install, but have problems penetrating lots of trees. I would avoid using wireless if you have thick vegetation, if it is a wooded area, you can just lay the wire on the ground and don8217t need to bury it. Wireless systems also tend to have larger collars so I would avoid using them on dogs under 20lbs. For a Jack Russel under 12lbs I would use a PetSafe Little Dog, over 12lbs I would use an Innotek IUC-4100 (because you avoid the PetSafe proprietary batteries) I like to wait until dogs are six months of age before introducing a dog fence. The problem with younger dogs is that they often don8217t have the attention span to be properly trained. Training is much easier when the dogs are older. Some dogs do mature faster, so you can do it earlier if the dog can confidently do a sitstaycome. We have three dogs a Brittany and Wheaten Terrier (both about 45 pounds) and a papillon (10 months, under 10 pounds). We have an Innotek 2100 that works fine for the Brittany and Wheaten. Unfortunately, the collar is too big for the Papillon. I understand the the Pet Safe is the only system that has a collar for a small dog. But we are very unhappy about having a system that isn8217t rechargeable. So here8217s the question 8212 Could we attach two systems (Innotek and Pet Safe) to the single wire that is already installed That way we could keep the two rechargeable collars and only deal with batteries for the Pet Safe. If that won8217t work, do you have any other suggestions Thanks. Susan ADMIN 8211 Hi Susan, Unfortunately you can8217t hoolk up both systems to the same wire otherwise neither will work. One option would be to get the PetSafe Little dog for the Papillon and to use the compatible PetSafe Stubborn collars for the Wheaton Terrier and the Brittany Spaniel. The Stubborn collar uses a disposable 9V battery, but you can buy a rechargeable 9V battery at a Wal-Mart or Home Depot and use that rechargeable battery with the collars. I have a large Yorkie rescue dog who is an escape artist. I can8217t let her get past the walk through gate of the smaller chain link fenced yard into the larger fenced area or she will get out. I need something to keep her in the smaller area and let the other dogs out into the bigger yard. ADMIN 8211 Hi Victoria, How heavy is the Yorkie Yorkies are right on the border, if she is under 12lbs 8211 go with the PetSafe Little Dog. Over 12lbs, and the Innotek IUC-4100 would be a good choice. Purchased the sportdog sdf100 and it has worked like a charm. The training manual worked great. it took about a week to get the dog trained. Now she will not go passed the boundary, even without the colar on lol. Worth every penny. I am considering the Innoteck IUC-5100 for its remote capability. Just to clarify, can the remote be used independently, outside the boundary, as a field training aid Thanks for the clarification. ADMIN 8211 Hi Amy, We have a two rat terriers, one 11 years old and 9 lbs, one 7 years old and 6 lbs. We have just added a border collie to the group and she is 4 months old. I am looking for a in ground fence for the collie and maybe to puting the 7 yr old terrier on to. We live in on an acre lot in the country in an subdivision. The collie is very shy and easy to train. ADMIN 8211 Hi Wilton, With your mix I8217d recommend purchasing the PetSafe Deluxe fence (for the collie) and add in two PetSafe Little Dog collars (for the two terriers). The system comes with 500 feet of wire, so you8217ll need one additional 500 foot roll to cover a full acre. I have a new dog, he8217s a Saint Bernard approximately 2 years old, 130 pounds. He is jumping my fence daily and I8217m very scared for his safety, we live very close to a busy highway and I8217m worried sick that he8217ll be injured. I8217m trying to give him more exercise to help with possible boredom, in any event I think this fence jumping has become a game for him. I8217m thinking electric fence as a back up measure to help contain him. Could you tell me which one would be right for him Thanks so much ADMIN 8211 Hi Denise, With a Saint Bernard, I8217d recommend the PetSafe Stubborn Dog Fence due to his size. You can attach the wire to the fence and it will solve your problem immediately. As a matter of fact, he will not be able to jump over or dig under the fence. I8217d also recommend reviewing our planning page (Installation 8211 Planning) if you plan to install just the backyard, there are a few sample layouts that may be useful. we have boxer and he has barking problems when he is outside. we got him one of the petsafe bark collars and its working great. i am about to install the petsafe underground fence. im wondering if there would be any interference or any other problems from wearing both collars. i dont think so but just wanted the opinion of someone who knows more about these than i do ADMIN 8211 Hi Chris, You would not get any interference issues between the two collars on the wireless and wired systems. I have a husky thats young and wild and am 8 pound Pom-Pom. I purchased a PetSafe system and set it up realizing that my neighbors fence interferes with it. I believe they have a Dog-Watch system. How do I determine the best system to use beside them and what would you recommend for collars etc. Thanks Trish ADMIN 8211 Hi Trish, With interference situations, the two systems to try are the Perimeter Ultra or the new SportDog SDF-100A. These two systems let you switch frequencies. With a dog as small as 8lbs, the Perimeter Ultra would be the way to go, the SportDog collars are much too big. Also check if you neighbor8217s system allows them to change their frequency, that way you could keep the system you have and contain that wild Husky We have 2 80 plus lb labs that love to wander. We installed the Humane Contain system last summer, the system worked for a week until the dogs were able to walk right through the 8220electrical shock8221. What system do you recommend we use for our labs Denny ADMIN 8211 Hi Denny, Labs tend to be pretty easy and you have a lot of choices. We really like the Innotek IUC-4100. Rechargeable and reliable. The Humane Contain is notoriously flaky, we hear that kind of thing a lot. مرحبا. Thanks for the website. I8217m looking for the right fence for our 6month old golden puppy. We have about an acre of land to secure for our dog. I8217m curious about you guys and where you get your financial support. I don8217t see an 8220about us8221 feature on your site so I8217m wondering whether you have some ties to innotek or other wired fences rather than others. Not a criticism but more a question of where you get your support and whether that influences your endorsements. Thanks, Rick. ADMIN 8211 Hi Rick, Goldens are easy to train and you could go with a number of systems. I particularly like the Innotek IUC-4100 for long-hair dogs. The collar check feature is really useful when you are getting started because it lets you know when the collar is on properly and contacting the skin. It is a bit tricky getting the collar on correctly with a long-hair dog, it is not a big deal once you have done it a couple of times 8211 but it is nice to have some feedback to let you know when it is on right. The way we make our living is by selling the fences to our readers in our online store. Our business model is that we try and give readers great impartial advice to guide them through planning the layout, picking their system, installing, and training. In return our readers give us their business and hopefully refer us to their friends. We don8217t get any financial support (or any other kind of inducement) from any of the brands for reviews 8211 I feel like that would defeat the spiritpurpose of the site. It also would not make any business sense, if our customers aren8217t happy we are getting returns, and even more importantly we aren8217t getting those precious referrals. We have a 8 year old 110 pound Bernese Mountain dogGerman Shepherd mix dog and are getting ready to move to a .75 acre home. What system would you recommend to keep him at home. I have been looking at the various systems that are a self installation and at this point completely undecided on what will be the best way to go. شكرا على النصيحة. Don ADMIN 8211 Hi Dan, I8217d recommend the PetSafe Stubborn Dog for your Mountain DogShepherd mix. At 110 lbs, you8217ll want to have the higher correction levels that are available on this unit if necessary. However, we recommend starting at the lowest level first and them move up if you need to. The collar takes a regular 9v battery which you can buy as a rechargeable at Radio Shack. The Stubborn Dog fence has a total capacity of 10 acres. It comes with 500 feet of wire, so you8217ll need to purchase 1, boundary wire kit for your install. My question is that I have two shih-tzus weighing about 14 lbs each. This being borderline weight wise, would you recommend the Petsafe small dog or the innotec 4100. I8217ve been reading the reviews and like everything that I8217ve read about the 4100 but I like the small collar of the Petsafe small dog. In your opinion, would the Innotec collar be too bulky on a dog of this size and if on the lowest setting of the 4100, would this be too much for shih-tzu8217s. I don8217t anticipate too much trouble training either dog however, I have no doubt that the first time my little boy dog gets zapped, he may not leave the deck for awhile. He is kind of a baby. Also, is there any problem you can anticipate if you are not laying the wire in a rectangle but more of sort of an 8220L8221 shape yard. We have an above ground pool that I don8217t want the dogs to go behind out of sight. Thanks and love this website. Linda ADMIN 8211 Hi Linda, If your dogs are 12 pounds or heavier, I8217d recommend the Innotek. For the first couple of days, you can put the Innotek collar on the dogs (without switching them on) and see if the dogs are comfortable. They should be fine, but if they aren8217t we will swap them out for the PetSafe Little dog. The PetSafe collar is very small and light, so it works great for small breeds under 12 lbs. The only downside to the collar is that it take a PetSafe proprietary battery that cost 10 dollars and will last about 3 months. As for the layout, as long as it8217s a complete loop and separated by a minimum of 6 feet on the parallel sections, the L shape will work great. I have a 40 pound 4 month old Doberman, what system will work. 4000 sq ft yard. Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Mike, You would want to wait till the pup is 6 months old if that is possible, I would only start younger if he can confidently do a sitstaycome sequence. At 4 months most dogs don8217t have the attention span to learn and training is longer and more difficult than if you wait a few months more. Two good systems for a doberman and that size yard would be an Innotek IUC-4100 if you want something rechargeable or a PetSafe Stubborn if you wanted something with a disposable battery that is a little cheaper. I have a 10yo lab and a 1 yo basset hound and have a partly wooded acre of land. My lab is very good about staying around but as you can imagine the basset being a hound, gets on a scent and wants to go. What fence would be best for us ADMIN 8211 Hi Roberta, A basset hound and a lab are going to be on pretty similar correction levels. If you wanted something rechargeable a PetSafe IUC-4100 would be a good choice. If you were after something with a disposable battery 8211 the new SportDog SDF-100 or the PetSafe Deluxe would work well. Is there a 8220no go zone8221 wireless system for in the house (to keep the dog out of the garbage area for example) that is compatible with the collar that comes with the inotek or other wired perimiter system If It matters, we have one 37 french bulldog named 8220booboo8221. We may get a 2nd, bigger dog in the (somewhat distant) future who we will call 8220fang8221 ADMIN 8211 Hi Bill, Yes, the indoor zone is compatible with the Innotek 4100 and 5100. It looks like a smoke detector and is wireless. Here8217s where you can find it: Also, if you do not have a fence system, you can buy the indoor zone and collar set. Please help 8211 I have an appoximately 20 lb male cocker spaniel 6 month old puppy along with a 6 month ago 60 lb golden doodle puppy - which have ran away from our house 8211 2 nights in a row what system would go best for these 2 vey active non listening puppites to keep them safe ADMIN 8211 Carol, With that much difference in weight between the two dos, you want something with independent correction (that gives you the option of setting unique correction level for each dog) I8217d recommend going with the PetSafe Deluxe. I appreciate your responses to these different questions and have learned quite a bit by reading through them all. At this point, I feel we have sufficient information to make purchasing decisions for our two dogs. One issue remains that doesn8217t seem to be addressed by a dog fence and I8217m hoping you might give us your opinion. We live in an area frequented by coyotes. Even if our dogs are contained by wire fences and physical fences, they are really interested in 8220playing with8221 all their coyote friends who call to them regularly. Are there ways to keep the coyotes OUT that can combine with using appropriate dog fences to keep our dogs in I know that a very tall 8211like an 8-foot8211fence would do it, but that8217s not an option for us. شكرا لمساعدتك. ADMIN 8211 Hi Nannette, Unfortunately, unless you can put collars on the coyotes, there8217s not much you can do to keep them out. I8217d suggest really working hard at training your dogs to avoid as many distractions as possible. If you dogs are contained, you don8217t have to worry about them leaving the boundary to play with wild neighbors. I have a female blonde lab 5yrs, male red heeler 2 yrs, female blue heeler 10 yrs, female 6 yrs jack russell, and female 3 yrs jack russel, live on five acres but only want to keep them in side three acres. I want the best equipment possible. ADMIN 8211 Hi Sherry, For that menagerie, you want a system that can work well with dogs of different sizes. I would suggest a PetSafe Deluxe system. Use the PetSafe Deluxe collars for the Labrador, and the two Heelers. For the two Jack Russell8217s I would get PetSafe Little Dog collars 8211 they will work with your PetSafe Deluxe system, but are smaller than the regular collars and will be much more comfortable on the dogs. I8217d like to get a system for an 18lb Jack Russell and an 8lb Yorkshire Terrier. I really don8217t want to use the non-rechargeable batteries. Is there any chance the Innotek8217s would work with the 8lb dog What other choices do I have ADMIN 8211 Hi Rich, For a dog at 8lbs, the rechargeable systems, the PetSafe IUC-4100, the IUC-5100, and the EF-3000 collars are all going to be too big. The only good choice would be the PetSafe Little Dog. I would add a PetSafe Deluxe collar for the Jack Russell. The only other option would be to start a round of steroids on the Yorkie. I am planning on installing a system around my 3 acre field. It already has existing field fencing that does not contain our dogs. Can I just attach the wire to the existing fence to avoid digging Most of it is 4X4 wire, but I do have about 300 ft of wooden corral type fence. I would like to have it off the ground about 12 inches if possible. We have wild pigs that might tear it up if the wire was simply laid on the ground. ADMIN 8211 Hi Denise, You can indeed mount the dog fence wire on the existing fence to avoid digging. The wire does not have to be at ground level. Elevating the wire a bit to avoid lawn mowers, weed whackers, or wild hogs is a good idea. مرحبا. I have a labhound mix. She LOVES squirrels and went she get a scent, she8217s GONE. I need a fence she will not run through even with the excitement of a squirrel. Any suggestions ADMIN 8211 Hi Kimberly, With a labhound mix the IUC-4100 is always a good choice. The trick with dogs that have that strong tracking or chasing drive, is to try and get a bit of the squirrel temptations to test the dog toward the end of the training period. With squirrels one good way to get this is to lay out food just before doing the training in the early morning or later afternoon when they are active. (with hounds, laying down a scent trail through the fence boundary also works well) Then test the dog while they are still on leash to see if they go through. If they don8217t go through 8211 reward them. If they do go through, let them get the correction and pull them back with the leash 8211 they will quickly learn that they need to obey the boundary rules even when tempted. i have twn 65lb boxers and a 8216C8217 shaped yard, what would be the best the best system ADMIN 8211 Hi Jamie, With boxers, the IUC-4100 is a good choice. But, boxers are generally pretty easy to train so you have a lot of other options too. With twin dogs, one thing to remember is to train the dogs separately. If you try training them together they often focus too much on one-another and don8217t focus on the task at hand. Hello We are looking to get an in-ground fence for our two dogs 8211 35lb beagle mix (2 yrs old) and a 35lb english bulldog pup (6mos), who we expect to be about 50lbs. They are good overall about staying in the yard and have trained them based on natural yard boundaries, but the bulldog is a little more 8216confident8217 and when she sees someone walking by she immediately wants to leave the yard to check things out. The beagle is not nearly as bold, but is always happy to follow. I have read through most of your above responses, and still am not sure if I have figured out what would be the best choice for us. They are neither people or dog aggressive (so far) but the bulldog is definitely 8216large and in charge8217 and wants to check everything and everyone out, along with signs of typical bulldog protective behavior. Your suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Rebekah, Bulldogs tend to have a much lower pain sensitivity to Beagles, than plus the size difference make me think they will probably need pretty different correction levels. I would go with a PetSafe Stubborn system for the Bulldog and get one extra PetSafe deluxe collar for the Beagle. The stubborn collar has more power (only if you need it) for the Bulldog, and the Deluxe collar is going to be a bit smaller and a more comfortable fit on the Beagle. hi, i have a shepherd mix 25-30 pounds, medium size dog. She is 11 months still in the puppy stage i was wondering what type of wireless fencing would be the best for her we have 1.6acres. thank you jennifer ADMIN 8211 Hi Jennifer, With your shepherd mix, I8217d recommend either the Innotek IUC 4100 or the PetSafe Stubborn Dog. Both are great systems. With the 4100 you get a rechargeable collar. With the Stubborn Dog, you get a fence that can deliver higher levels of correction if you need it. The Stubborn Dog takes a regular 9v battery. I think either of these will work well with your dog. As for wire, 500 feet comes with either system and you8217d need an additional 1,000 feet to cover your 1.6 acres. We live on 10 acres in an orchard and would like to teach our dog not to roam around the neighborhood, yet have the freedom to roam in the orchard. I was reluctant about the wired fences, because since our orchard is a working farm, I did not want the wire to be damaged. Also, since it is a large area, my husband is not looking forward to burying the thousands of feet of wire. But, I understand that the wireless systems are not as reliable. Which system would you recommend for our 7 mo old Lab Also, how much wire would we need ADMIN 8211 Hi Kerry, There are two great fences I8217d recommend: the Innotek IUC 4100 and the SportDog SDF 100. The 4100 would work well and has a capacity of 25 acres, but we like this fence cause it has a rechargeable collar. The SportDog system, while not rechargeable, does take a regular 9v battery. We like the SportDog because the system and collar is extremely durable and is better suited for large installs and large breed dogs like your lab. The SportDog has a very strong transmitter and can cover up to 100 acres. I think you can8217t go wrong with either of these two systems. I do believe though that the SportDog is much more durable than the 4100 and may be a better fit for your dog and land. We have a beagle mix (she weighs about 25 lbs, and we are guessing that she is about 1 12 yrs old), who was sent to an adoption agency from a family that did not treat her well. She spent almost all of her time crated, and now we are struggling to train her properly. She also has those natural hunting instincts that means she can be difficult to rein in when we8217re walking sometimes. That being said, we are moving to a new house with no fence around the yard. We already have a PetSafe Stubborn system. Would a PetSafe Stubborn be too much for her If so, is it possible to use this system and get one of the other collars for it ADMIN 8211 Hi Tambra, The correction strength on a PetSafe Stubborn is going to be more than you want for a beagle, you will really only be able to use one, maybe two of the correction levels. This is particularly true for a timid dog. The collar is also a little on the big side for a 20lb dog. I would prefer to see you use a different PetSafe collar with your existing system, a PetSafe deluxe collar would be a much better choice for the beagle. I8217m on 2 acres and have a 15lb Terrier who likes to run into the road and a 80lb Cur who loves to hunt. As soon as he8217s let off his chain he bolts for the woods and is gone for hours so I8217m not even sure I can hold him with an electronic fence. Most importantly I8217m looking for separate correction levels with separate remote training capabilities. Is that possible What would you suggest Thanks8230. ADMIN 8211 Hi Troy, I8217m afraid where there is that big a difference in size between the two dogs, you cannot use any of the dog fences with remote training (e. g. Innotek IUC-5100 or Innotek SD-3000) because these systems do not have independent correction in fence mode. You would need to get a separate training collar if you wanted to use it for remote correction. Your best bet would be a PetSafe Stubborn system for the big dog, and an extra PetSafe Little Dog collar or a PetSafe Deluxe collar. I have a 10 month old siberian husky weighing about 65 pounds and a 22 lb 10 yr old miniature schnauzer. The schnauzer is well behaved and has never given us any trouble tearing up the landscaping. the husky is ruining the back yard digging up plants. Is it feasible to use a system with just the husky to prevent her from entering the flower beds and stop digging in the planters would we need to use the system with both dogs If so, what system would work for both dogs Thank you. Dayna ADMIN 8211 Hi Dayna, You can use the system on just one dog, the other dog just does not wear one of the receiver collars. The easiest way to stop a dog from digging up a garden is to use one or more of the outdoor pods. They are great for keeping the dogs out of areas and are quicker and cheaper than a full fence system. We are moving to a house on 5 acres with our three dogs. Two are Brittney Spaniels (29 and 37 lbs). These girls love to run, so the acreage is a plus. But without proper fencing, they will escape immediately. We also have a male English Mastiff (150 lbs, but only 11 months so he8217s still growing). The property has pipe fencing and we8217re considering installing no climb to keep them contained but that is cost prohibitive. What type of in-ground fence would you recommend Ideally we prefer a collar with rechargeable batteries, and remote for the Brittneys so we can later train them outside our property. Can we mixmatch the systems Are there compatible systems that will work with all the dogs Your help is appreciated. THANKS ADMIN 8211 Hi Nikki, With dogs of such different sizes, I would use a PetSafe system where you can mixmatch collars. I would get a PetSafe Stubborn system, and use the stubborn collar for the Mastiff due to his size. For the two Brittneys, I would get some extra PetSafe Deluxe collars. Afraid they are going to be neither rechargeable, nor have the remote trainer 8211 but, there are no good options with these features when you have such a large size disparity between dogs Hi 8211 Our 4 year old English Setter easily jumps our 4 foot fence so we need to upgrade to an electric fence (much cheaper than replacing with a 6 foot fence). Is there a collar that would tell us where he is IF he were to get out of the electric fence Kind of like a tracking device He is a Champion show dog and not neutered, so this is entirely possible if there is a dog in season within a few miles of our house. شكر. ADMIN 8211 Hi Melissa, Unfortunately there is no dog fence with in built tracking. There are separate GPS units used for hunting dogs that you could put on him for tracking. I have two Bloodhound-Plott mixes, one male and one female, both are spayedneutered, siblings. Both are about 50-60lbs, 1 and 12 years old. They have had some formal training and the female does much better on a leash and listening in general than the male. The male still likes to run out the front door and will not listen when he is tracking. We have had a dog die this way. I think the invisible fence would be great training though, boundary-wise. I am interested in the Innotek 5100. Especially because of the rechargeable battery with indicator, the slim collar, and the remote. I would like for them to be able to go on hikes with us without a leash. So far they have not been without a physical fence, but our new house does not have one. Our new property is about an acre, with trees all along the borders except the driveway. I am concerned about whether the correction would be high enough for the male, but he does respond to correction when tugging his collar. I8217d like to keep the cost less than 400-500 if possible. What do you recommend ADMIN 8211 Hi Andrea, I am most interested in what the older one8217s pain tolerance is like. If you accidentally stood on a paw or tail, would you hear a yelp or the dog not particularly bothered. With a bloodhound, the 5100 is usually going to be plenty. I would give it a try, but if there is a problem, we are happy to swap it out for a more powerful system like the PetSafe Stubborn (and refund the difference) within the first 30 days 8211 but of course with another system you will not be to have remote correction. Hi, I8217m looking at getting into breeding malamutes. Any recommendations for a system that would work for containing 5 malamutes (up to 130 lbs in size) I have about 2 acres of fenced property. Would it be best to attach the wire to the fence or to bury it Thanks much Mike ADMIN 8211 Hi Mike, Malamutes tend to be easy in terms of correction strength. They tend to be sensitive to the correction and so we don8217t have to worry much about having a powerful system. Fitting the collar correctly can be a problem the first few times, because there is definitely an art to getting the collar on right so that the probes actually contact the skin given that beautiful thick coat that they have. The Innotek IUC-5100 and IUC-4100 are particularly well suited to the task because they have a feature that beeps to help you figure out if the collar is fitted correctly. But, there are a lot of other good options. The PetSafe Stubborn (with he optional long prongs) and the SportDog would be good cheaper choices. I would attach the wire to the fence. The main reason people bury wire is to avoid lawnmowers, but if it is fence mounted that is a non-issue. We have a smaller German Shepherd mutt mix that weighs about 40 lbs and then a half ShepherdHusky mix that weighs about 60 lbs. The smaller dog respects our current fences now, but the bigger one jumps 6 ft fence and digs under them. She has taught the smaller one to dig as well. Our yard is perimeter is about 34 acre. Which system would be best for these two I am leaning toward the Sport Dog system as it states it is very durable. These dogs are strictly outdoor dogs 247 with a garage for shelter. Appreciate all your insight ADMIN 8211 Hi Julie, Since the dogs are fairly different in size and breed, I would go with a system that has independently adjustable correction levels. The SportDog would be a good choice. The Dogtra would be another good choice if you wanted something rechargeable. The PetSafe Stubborn would also be worth considering, although with those dogs you are unlikely to need the higher correction levels. we have a 200lb mastiff, 4 shih-tzu ranging from 13lbs-16lbs and a mutt that is only 3months old right now. we are going to be fencing off about an acre. what would be the best system to get for our dogs82308230i was thinkin about an underground system but have heard that you have to buy a special collar for large breed that true also at the bottom of our yard it gets kinda swampy and i read on one of the petsafe boxes that its smart to waterproof the wiring in that case8230..what kind of waterproofer should i get thank you so much ashlie ADMIN 8211 Hi Ashlie, We definately want to use a different collar on a dog like a Mastiff that is large and can have low pain sensitivity than we would on a smaller dog. A good choice would be a PetSafe system, because they have a few different types of collars you can use on the same system. I woudl get a PetSafe Stubborn system for the Mastiff, then add a couple of PetSafe Little Dog collars for the Shih Tzus. I don8217t usually run the wire through any waterproofing, it is fine even being completely immersed in water. Where a client really wants waterproofing, I will run the wire through an old hose pipe, or that flexible black tubing used for inground sprinkler systems. Let us know if you need any further assistance I have an 85lb Golden and a small yard of 7000 sq. ft. The problem is him running off out the front yard that is small. What system would you recommend ADMIN 8211 Hi Dave, The Innotek IUC-4100 would be a good choice for a golden. It is rechargeable, has a smaller collar, and has a collar fit feature that helps you make sure the collar is fitted right. Another good choice woudl be the PetSafe stubborn with the optional long prongs, which is larger and has a disposable battery but is also a lot cheaper. (if you go the stubborn route, you won8217t need al lthe power of the system, so keep it turned down to medium or below) Training Golden Retreivers is usually pretty easy, the only thing to watch for is that the collra is fitted right. It is a bit tricky with all that fur. Just use your fingers to make sure that the probes are actually contacting the skin. I have a chocolate lab about 50 to 60 pounds and pound dog who is about 15 to 20. I have 2 acres that I want to contain. I did this about 12 years ago with one I bought at Kmart. It worked but found out that the TV was activating the collar on insideoutside Miniature Schneazer(sp) and lighting was triggering our border collie collar. That collie loved my kids and if the left the yard, she was going no matter what. She would hit at fast as possible and you could see her dip when it hit, but she made it. Oh it was so much fun to get her back across, take off collar pick her up and bring her back across. Anyway which system do i need to buy and do I need to worry about the tv or lightning with the new system. ADMIN 8211 Hi Ellis, Training is the most important part of the installation and with the two weeks of training we should be able to stop your dogs crossing even when there is major temptation. There are a couple of good choices for your situation. You are going to want something with independent correction levels for each dog. If you want something rechargeable, the Dogtra EF-3000 would be a good choice. If you are ok with a disposable battery, then the PetSafe Deluxe would be a good choice. The interference with TVs and lightning is a thing of the past. But, if you are concerned you should always test them out before you put the collar on the dog. Hope that helps Thanks in advice for your advice and this great site. I have a rescued great dane at around 130 lbs, and an Anatolian Shepherd puppy we also rescued. Our yard area that I want to fence is about 3 to 4 acres. One end of the yard stays wet and swampy through a good portion of the year, and I would not be able to bury the wire. The yard is also surrounded on three sides by woods with mature trees so burial of the wire is a little bit of a concern there too. I was also thinking about the size of the box on the sport god and the stubborn dog systems and was thinking that after the dogs were trained for the yard it might be possible to move them down to smaller, less bulky collars for looks and subtlety. We may add other rescue dogs in the future also, and don8217t know what size they would be. Hopefully mastiff size or danes, but may be smaller and the smaller collars would be necessary. What are your recommendations Also, can other collars be modified to take the buzzer boxes, or are you restricted to the collars that come with the system ADMIN 8211 Hi Dwight, Appreciate the compliment. If these areas are not mowed, I would just staple the wire down in place rather than trying to bury. We have only done a half dozen or so Anatolians, and at least from that small sample they seemed to have quite a low sensitivity to the correction 8211 perhaps due to their breeding as guardian dogs 8211 so I would recommend using the PetSafe Stubborn when you work with the Anatolian. Great Danes tend to be a lot easier, but they are a larger dog so the PetSafe Stubborn would also be a good choice. The PetSafe inground systems can be used with any PetSafe or SportDog collar. You could get something smaller after the initial training, but I think these dogs are so big that the size of the collars will be a non-issue for them. You can remove the correction collar band and make something custom to replace it. Unfortunately there are no off the shelf collars that I am aware of that. But we have seen lots of custom sewn collars that people have made the replace the original. PS 8211 you mentioned the Anatolian was a pup, I like to see you start at six months, dogs often don8217t have enough attention span for training before that. I have two seven year old mixed terriers (11 lb female miniature pinscheryokie mix and a 20lbs male cairnborder terrier) which I rescued when they were both younger. Since I8217ve had them, they have had a nice big fenced in yard in which to roam around. But I8217m now moving to the Boston area, and while I8217m in transition, I plan on living with my parents for about a year. My parents aren8217t open to a traditional fence but will go for an invisable fence. While I8217m very happy that they will permitted the invisable fence, I8217m am concerned that since they are such active and fast little dogs, that they will go right through the invisable fence. Living next to a school with lots of school buses coming and going, I worry that they get out and get hurt. Mini Pins are known as little 8220Houdini8217s8221 and I know for a fact that I8217m my little mini pins 3rd owner as she8217s is an escape artist. Which, if any, of the invisable fences do you think would be the best option for my dogs Many Thanks in advance ADMIN 8211 Hi Brooke, Our clients get great result even with notorious escape artists like huskies and miniature pinschers 8211 the key is really the training. If you consistently follow the training routine for two weeks you will be in great shape even with a Miniature Pinscher in full run. With the Pinscher cross, I would use a PetSafe Little Dog 8211 with dogs under 12lbs this tends to be a nicer fit and have more appropriate correction levels. You have a few more options with the Border Terrier, but I would get a second PetSafe Little Dog collar 8212 because having two of the same collar is generally much easier. But you could also use a PetSafe Deluxe collar. We have two Cocker Spaniel, 10 year old 30 female and 10 month old 20 male. They are not bad if you stay out with them, but if you go to another part of the yard or in the house, one or both of them might wonder off. Our property is not quite an acre, what unit would you recommend. And, do you recommend using a heavier gage wire. THANK YOU ADMIN 8211 Hi Joe, With a pair of Cocker Spaniels, I would use one of the smaller collars. One good options would be the Innotek IUC-4100 8211 it is rechargeable and has a nice slimline collar. Another good option would be the Perimeter Ultra, it has an even smaller collar and is a bit cheaper but uses a proprietary battery. I have a soon to be 6 month old Beagle and have plenty of area around my home. Problem is my home is way out in the country with nothing around but deer, rabbits, racoons and all sorts of other wildlife. What system would be a good choice for me Having lots of room is great, because it means you can turn the boundary width up, which makes training much easier (it is very hard for a dog to run through a wide boundary). Overcoming distractions like wildlife not a big deal, but do try and incorporate some of these temptations into the last week of the training. (Do the training at times of the day when you are likely to run into critters, and perhaps even leave some food out to encourage the squirrels) Two good systems for a beagle would be the Innotek IUC-4100 and the SportDog SDF-100. The Innotek is smaller, lighter and rechargeable, but will only do 25 acres. The SportDog is a bigger collar and uses a disposable 9V battery, but will do 100 acres and is a bit cheaper. I just have a few questions my master would like to know. How deep can the wired be placed to avoid the yard aireation he likes to do. Are there units with power back up in case of power outages. How does the system handle deep snow of 2 ft or so where it drifts. He8217s happy to put in the best system for me so I can run and enjoy the outside. But we just needed a couple answers. Thanks, and looking forward to a great summer. Jessey Hi Jessey (038 Master) The maximum depth you can put the wire is about a foot, but note that if you do you will need to crank up the boundary width, which may cause problems in other parts of the installation where the wire is not buried. The Innotek IUC 41005100 has battery backup. The systems can handle snow up to about 3 feet of snow (if it is light fluffy snow, less if it is hard packed almost ice snow), again you just turn up the boundary width to compensate for the snow, then turn the boundary width back down after the thaw. I suspect however if you both bury the wire very deep and have the snow you could be in for problems with not being able to turn the boundary width up enought to compensate for all that depth. I would try to get a system that is rated to do a lot more area than you need so that you have plenty of power in reserve. If you are doing up to two acres, the Innotek IUC-4100 would be a good choice (it is rated for 25 acres). If you are doing more, go with the SportDog SDF-100, it is rated for 100 acres. Is there a system whose collars work for inground (backyard) and for inside the home We have a 75 lbs lab and a 25 lbs havenese. What do you recommend for the indoor system (just want to keep the dogs out of the kitchen and from going up the stairs. ADMIN 8211 Hi Grant, Some systems have indoor pods you can use to keep the dogs out of certain parts of your home. A good choice for a Labrador and a Havenese would be a PetSafe system because you will want a different correction level for each dog. I would use a PetSafe Stubborn or PetSafe Deluxe collar for the lab (either will work, the Stubborn is bulkier but cheaper) and an extra PetSafe Deluxe collar for the Havanese. For the indoor part, use the PetSafe Indoor Zones. I have 2 Newfies, 10 and 15 months. They have that puppy energy, are intact, and they are already 100lbs. I worry about them jumping over the fence. I sometime use a shock collar, but unless I make the power level high and tight aroung their necks (because of all the extra skinfur under their heads) they don8217t work. What type of fence to recommend for me Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Lauren, From your ex perience with Shock Collars, I would guess you are going to want to use the PetSafe Stubborn. Usually with a New Finland, I would recommend an PetSafe Ultrasmart, they are usually pretty responsive even on low correction levels. But if your dogs were not responsive on the correction collar at low levels, I think it would be good to have the extra levels of correction that you get on the Stubborn. As always, start conservatively and use say the medium setting and only work your way up if the dogs are unresponsive to the lower levels. Just wondering if the SportDog SDF 100 would be the appropriate fence for us. We would be using it with a chocolate lab (about 65 pounds), a Rhodesian Ridgeback (90lbs) and a Wheaten Terrier (30lbs). It would span across two properties (ours and parents) for approximately 1.5 acres. Would prefer the look and low profile of the Innotek but worried about the one setting fits all approach. Also liked that you get 1000ft with the SportDog and the reviews on other websites seemed to be really good. Not too concerned about the 8220ugly8221 orange collar8230just making sure we8217re getting the right system for multiple dogs of somewhat different sizes. ADMIN 8211 Hi Sarah, The SDF-100 would be a good choice for you, because you can adjust the correctionshock strength for each dog separately, something you cannot do on any of the Innotek systems. The collar is appropriate for all three of the dogs. Also note that if you ever get a smaller dog, you can also use the PetSafe collars with this system (e. g. the PetSafe Little Dog) I have a female Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, 70 lbs, who loves to hunt. My backyard is about 12 acre with a four foot fence which the dog jumps easily. I would prefer not to bury any lines, but attach them to the existing fence. Which system would you suggest Are there any systems that do not punish the dog for 8216coming home8217 My dog will chase deer and small animals out of the yard (and over the fence), but jumps back over the fence to come home. Thanks very much for your help. ADMIN 8211 Hi Ellen, Attaching the boundary line wire to the fence works great if you already have a physical fence. A good choice of system for a Rhodesian Ridgeback would be the PetSafe Ultrasmart. While very strong dogs, they don8217t need a great deal of correction and you are probably going to want to use the medium correction level on the Ultrasmart at least as a starting point. All systems will correct the dog when both exiting and reentering the yard, that is why it is so important to do the training when you first start so that the dogs do not realize they can run through and learn to always retreat from the correction rather than run through. Thank you for all of your information. I have an 8 month old Akita who is already 80 pounds. She will likely end up at over 100 pounds. We are moving to a neighborhood and want to start off by training her with this type of fencing. Please give me your recommendation and input8230.I SO appreciate it ADMIN 8211 Hi Chandra, With an Akita, I would use the PetSafe Stubborn. You may not need the full strength when training, but if she is typical size and temperament for an Akita it is good to have in reserve. As you know with an Akita you really do need to be firm in the training and cannot be as wishy washy as you might be with a less powerful or less strong willed dog. I have two german shorthaired pointers, a one year old female who is very free spirited and wants to run, and a seven year old male who is extremely people friendly but very dog aggressive. I am thinking PetSafe Ultrasmart but would like your opinion. what do you suggest both dogs under 60lbs. and lot size less than 1 acre. Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Mr. Daugherty, I concur. The Ultrasmart is what I would pick a good choice for a German Shorthair Pointer. I have a chocolate lab and my property includes a small strip pit that he loves Can he get in the water with his collar on without damaging it and the effectiveness ADMIN 8211 Hi Jean, Most of the systems are waterproof. If the collar is going to be fully immersed, the collars I would recommend are the Innotek 5100, PetSafe Ultrasmart, and the SportDog SDF-100. They have the best waterproofing. Hello, we are getting a beagle puppy in June and I8217d like to know what you recommend for an electric fence. I own a very small townhome (30 feet by 100 feet lot) and would like to put a perimeter around the front yard and also at the back gate. Our beagle will obviously be very small (3 lbs) when we get him, but will get up to around 20 lbs I beleive. So does that mean I can use the PetSafe Ultrasmart, but only after he is full grown or can I get it while he8217s still growing Also, I8217d like to only keep him downstairs in the house. Is there any way to run one of these along the bottom of the stairs Thanks for your help ADMIN 8211 Hi Curtis, A plot that narrow is really tough, because if you have the boundaries on either side it really reduces the area the dog can play in. If you set the boundary width at say 3 feet (the minimum I would recommend), and factor in that the dog will not get close to the boundary, the area available to the dog will only be 2021590. You can use a PetSafe Ultrasmart comfortably on a beagle. You want to wait till they are six months old before you start the electric dog fence training. They are usually too immature to be trained when they are much younger. To keep the dog off the stairs, I would use one of the wireless Innotek indoor pods. They work with the collar to keep them out of an indoor area, and are pretty cheap (40). That will be much easier that trying to run the wire indoors. my name is Heather Waite and i have a purebred collie, and he is about 65-70 lbs. i have a tight budget and need a good electric fence that uses wire. my dog has recently killed one of my neighbors chickens, and we must keep him contained. he also gets very excited to see other dogs in the street and will run off to go say hello. this is not such a great thing for him to be doing. with my tight budget, i need something cheap, but reliable and i need a good collar with rechargeable batteries. i dont have very much money to spend, only about 150. i have about 3 acres of land to cover. what do you recommend ADMIN 8211 Hi Heather, A rechargeable system, capable of containing a Border Collie and covering 3 acres, that is a toughie. The least expensive rechargeable system is the Innotek IUC-2100 which is 200 which is already over your budget. We will also need to add 1,500 feet of boundary wire kit to the system (to make a total of 2,000 feet which is enough for 3 acres) which is an additional 90. The least expensive system which would make sense on a Collie is the PetSafe Stubborn which is 185, and again we will need an additional 1,500 feet of wire so I am afraid we are still well over your budget. Realistically, I think you are going to need to increase your budget. Another option might be to ask around and see if anyone has an old system then no longer use. If you can pick up a used system at a reasonable price you just need to get the wire and may be able to squeeze it in under budget. We have a new Golden Retriever puppy. 13 weeks old now. We live on a farm, but are right next to a busy county road. We need to keep him off the road, but the area he could roam in the other direction is rather large. From what I have read, it seems that it is not possible to just make a boundary on one side and that we would need to decide on a certain containment area. Is that right ADMIN 8211 Hi Mary, You do need to have a complete loop, but that does not mean you need to contain the entire area. One option is to run a long length of wire along the road, then double back on yourself six feet apart (so you have a very long thin loop). We have two Australian Shepherds who have justed celebrated their first birthday. With 3 12 acres, you8217d think they8217d be satisfied on the property but they do wander off. Carson (75lb) is a bit more stubborn than his sister Leia (55 lb). The perimeter on three sides is woods, the last side is curbing in front of the house. We regularly take them off-property for hiking trips so collar durability is important unless it can be easily removed. We live in Northeast PA which has been getting slammed with snow this year and our property gets a lot of water run-off, sitting at the bottom of a hill. What system would you recommend ADMIN 8211 Hi Joanne, With a pair of Aussies, I would use the PetSafe Ultrasmart or the SportDog SDF-100. The Ultrasmart is a smaller collar and is rechargeable. The SportDog is a little bulkier (but no big deal on an Aussie), and uses a disposable 9V battery. Both are very reliable and are waterproof. When it snows, you will turn up the boundary width to compensate for the accumulated snow. And in the spring you will turn it back down as the snow melts. I would take off the collars when I take them outside. You can8217t use it to attach a leash (since it has prongs), so you are better off swapping it for a regular collar. I have 2 Shih Tzu8217s around 15 lbs each. What is the best in ground system for them We live in a subdivision with a very small yard. Would prefer to get a collar that does not need a brand-specific battery replacement every 2-3 months for 10 if possible. Thank you For dogs over 12lbs, I would use the PetSafe Ultrasmart. It fully rechargeable and will free you from the curse of the proprietary battery. When you get the collars, put them uncharged on the dogs for a day or two to check if they are comfortable. You should be fine, but if it turns out to be too big, we can swap it out for a PetSafe Little 8230 but then of course you have the proprietary battery to contend with. I have two boxers. One is 55 lbs and the other is still growing. He is 3 and a half months and 30 lbs. The 55 lb one is very hyper and stubborn. What fence would be best to use I really wanted the wireless because I will be moving in 6 months and really like the idea of run through protection, but after reading the reviews I8217m indifferent. I live on the top of a ridge so the yard is very big, but all hills. ADMIN 8211 Hi Jessi, For a boxer, there are lot of good choices. They tend to be pretty easy to train. The PetSafe Ultrasmart would be my top choice. It is rechargeable, very reliable, and has a nice slim collar. Another good choice which is cheaper but a bit bulkier is the PetSafe Stubborn (you won8217t need the full strength, but you can keep it turned down) For the younger dog, I would wait until they are six months, or can confidently do a sitstaycome to start the training. Before six months, they tend to be big puppy dopes 8211 and don8217t have the attention span for training. Avoid the wireless. They really don8217t work well, especially in hilly terrain. If you aren8217t going to be there long, just lay the wire along the surface and don8217t bother with burying until you get to your permanent location. I have 3 dogs: Pitbull, 1 year old about 75 lbs 2 maltepoos, one about 8lbs and the other about 12lbs. I need a system that would keep them out of the back lawn since they are digging it up (mainly the 2 small dogs). The opening to the back yard is about 258242 wide. What would you recommend I would like something reliable and a system which i would not have to constantly charge or change the batteries on the collars. شكر. ADMIN 8211 Hi Ismael, A good choice where the dogs are such different sizes is the PetSafe systems that let you mix the collars. Use the PetSafe Stubborn for the Pitbull (you want that extra correction strength). Use the PetSafe Little Dog for the Maltepoos (you want that small collar and lower correction strength). They are both reliable systems. The Stubborn uses a standard 9V battery that lasts about 3 months. The PetSafe Little uses a special PetSafe Little Dog battery which is less desirable. It lasts about 2 months and costs about 10 (you can get an extra month out of them if you remember to switch off the collars every night). But, it really is the only good choice with a small dog. I have a 10 week old Walker puppy. We8217re thinking of putting in an underground fence around the farmstead (2 8211 3 acres). What system do you recommend, and at what age can I start training. We would put in the system when the ground allows, probably about a month. ADMIN 8211 Hi Tim, With a Walker Coonhound, I would either go with a PetSafe Ultrasmart or a PetSafe stubborn system. The Ultrasmart is a smaller, more streamline, rechargeable collar. The PetSafe Stubborn is bigger and uses a disposable 9V battery, and has a stronger correction. Try and figure out the Walker8217s pain sensitivity. If you think they are likely to have a low sensitivity go with the Stubborn, otherwise the Ultrasmart. You want to wait until the dog is six months old, or can confidently do a sitstaycome. That makes the dog a lot easier to train, too much earlier and they just don8217t have the attention span to be easily trained on the system. Hi I have 3 dogs: Matzo Ball (standard poodle 65 lbs), Challah (miniature poodle 11 lbs) and Kugel (shih tzu 8 lbs). I simply want to contain them in our front yard, as our back yard is fenced. I would like them to be able to play there with us without worrying they will suddenly run into the street when they see someone walking by or they see another dog. What system would you recommend, since there is such a discrepancy in size Our front yard is not large at all as our entire property is only 23 acre and the majority is in the back. Thanks ADMIN 8211 Hi Rebecca, Where you have that much variation in size between the dogs, the PetSafe systems are a good bet, because you can use different collars with the same system to get a good fit for each dog. I would get a PetSafe Deluxe system for the poodle or if you want to save a little, get the PetSafe Stubborn system (just keep it turned down, you will not need it turned up high for a poodle). Get two extra petsafe little dog collars for the shih tzu and the miniature poodle. We have 2 puppies (sisters) 10 months old, border collie golden retriever cross. We live in the country on 45 acres, mostly fields and some woods, but lots of woods all around us. The dogs have started running off, and we need to figure something out quickly. We don8217t have fences around our land so there isn8217t anything to attach the wire too. We wouldn8217t need to have all of the acreage in a containment area, but it would be nice to have 10-2o acres. We have about a foot of snow on the ground now, and we8217ll probably have snow cover for another month or two. It looks like most of the systems come with 500 ft of wire, which would only fence in about 12 acre, so we8217d not a lot more. Is the wire expensive and where would we get it What would you recommend ADMIN 8211 Hi Ann, For the winter, just lay the wire along the ground, secured in a few spots either with a rock or a lawn staple. The PetSafe Ultrasmart would be a good choice for a collieretriever mix but can only do up to 25 acres. The SportDog SDF-100 is also a good choice and can do 100 acres. Wire is cheap. The cost to increase the yard size is very small, although a lot more labor is involved. The wire kits we sell cost 30 per 500 feet (including wire, splices and flags). You can also get wire from most local hardware stores or electrical supply houses. I have two very different dogs and no clue what fence to get. The first and easiest of our two is a pug. He has a short attention span, but has never gone far. It is usually not too hard to get him to come back. He is dog and people aggresive when they 8216encroach8217 on his territory. He is stubborn about the stop command when there are people or dogs near his yard. The second is a mix (shar-peired heeler) and fits none of the descriptions for either breed. She is an adopted pet and very scared of everything. She is why we need the fence, though. She will dart at any given chance and you can8217t catch her because she is scared she will be in trouble. It takes hours to get her back in. Reading through the descriptions of these fences is very educating, but we have two different types of dogs, in personality and size, and I see no recommended fence for this. The pug is 23 pounds and the mix is 60 pounds. Could you please help me. ADMIN 8211 Hi Lisa, You are going to want something with independent correction levels, so you can set the level of correction for each dog separately. If you want something rechargeable, the Dogtra EF-3000 would be a good choice, although the collars are on the bigger side. Otherwise, the PetSafe Deluxe, or Perimeter Technologies inground system would be good choices (although both have proprietary collars). I have three German Shepherds 8211 they are friendly with people but very dog aggressive. I normally take them out together and they are fine unless they see another dog. I live on a 60 acre farm and have room to run them to get some of the steam off, but have a neighbor who allows their dog to run loose. Big Problem Will any of your systems work with high drive dogs ADMIN 8211 Hi Donna, The key is to consistently do the training for the first two weeks, then test them with a couple of the things that are really tempting. (e. g. borrow the neighbors dogs for a couple of the training sessions) With the training, containment is rarely a problem. I usually go with a PetSafe Stubborn with German Shepherds. Some of them have very low pain sensitivity and will not feel the correction at all on lower powered systems. The stock transmitter with the PetSafe Stubborn does 10 acres. If you need more area, another good choice would be the SportDog SDF-100 which will do 100 acres. Thanks for all the reviews. I have a toy fox terrier and she is about 15lbs. What do you recommend for her ADMIN 8211 Hi Arbob, There are two ways you could go. The PetSafe small dog would be a good choice, and the PetSafe Ultrasmart would be a good choice. The small dog will have the smaller collar but has a proprietary PetSafe battery. The PetSafe Ultrasmart is a little bigger, but has a rechargeable collar battery. I would lean toward the Ultrasmart. We have 4 dogs: an older male blue heelerbasset former stray, a 10 yo male Westy Terrier, a 3 yo female blue heeler (soon to be fixed), and a 4mo female blue heelerbrown dog. We live on 5 acres in the country with fences completely surrounding our place except at the gate with a gravel drive way. Our dogs are very easy going other than barking and besides chasing cows next door, being adventurous at the neighbors 8216creek, or chasing the occasional bike riderrunner on the road, we don8217t worry a lot about them and the neighbors have had no concerns. But we8217ve had a couple stolen and don8217t want them to get run over. Conveniently, there is an outlet at the gate. Love the site. What would be your suggestions for a boundary system Thanks in advance. ADMIN 8211 Hi Frank, It depends on the size of the Westie. If he is within 10lbs of the blue heeeler, I would go with an PetSafe Ultrasmart. If he isn8217t you are going ot want something with independent correction levels. The Dogtra is good if you want something rechargeable, otherwise the SportDog (cheaper, regular 9V battery, and more boundary wire included in the kit) or Perimeter (proprietary battery) or PetSafe Deluxe (proprietary battery) systems would be good choices. Sorry to hear you had dogs stolen in the past. One thing to note is that electronic fences don8217t help at all in this regard. I would like to enclose about 2 acres and after reading your questions and answers section, I8217m guessing the PetSafe Stubborn system or IUC 1500 system would work. Agree Another question: Does either of these systems have an optional remote control to help control behavior inside the wire ADMIN 8211 Hi Greg, The remote control is included with the Innotek IUC-5100. It is not included (nor available) with the PetSafe Stubborn. Both would do fine on 2 acres. Hard to say if these are good choices without knowing more about your dog, but generally these are suited for a dog over 40lb in the case of the PetSafe, and over 20 lbs in the case of the Innotek. We have taken in a 5 year old labrador as a rescue dog. We live on 5 acres. We want her to be able to run yet stay on our property. She has been allowed to run all her life all over, that is why we have her now she ended getting very injured and almost died. What system would be the best Also 2.5 acres of our land is used for alfafa ( so we don8217t have to mow it). Any suggestion how we could either make the wire obvious or something so it doesn8217t get dug up with plowing. I figure an inground system would be best to give her more room to run, but we are concerned with the working of the field that the wire may get dug up. ADMIN: Hi Rhonda, We strongly suggest an in-ground system such as the PetSafe Ultrasmart or Innotek 5100. To ensure the boundary is visible you can mowshred the boundary line and keep the training flags in place. A few options regarding working the field. 1. Just use ground staples to secure the wire and pull back the wire when working the field. 2. Elevate the boundary on stakes or fencing to avoid the digging and keeping it visible. 3. attempt to bury the wire below any danger of digging (this may be very time consuming. We have three dogs (German Shepherd 8211 90 lbs)(German Wirehaired Pointer 8211 70 lbs)(German Shorthaired Pointer 8211 45 lbs). We have had the Innotek IUC 1500 installed for many years (approximately 5 Acre boundry) and used it with great success. The German Shepherd cries like a baby when he gets into the fence boundry and we have had no problems with the Wirehaired Pointer crossing the boundry. The Shorthaired Pointer is still a pup (1 year old). We cannot keep him in the fence. All three of the collars and the system is working fine. He does get shocked but just goes on through. I am concerned with him getting hit on the road, or getting into the pasture with the horses and getting hurt, or with him just running off (he likes to think that he is a great hunter). The underground system doesn8217t get his attention well enough to keep him contained. We have remote training collars (Tritronics) that we use when we hunt with the dogs. Because of the higher levels of stimulation I can use this to keep track of him outside but I have to stay out with him in order to make the corrections. Would the PetSafe Stubborn Collar provide a higher level of stimulation than the Innotek IUC 1500 Is there something else that you can recommend for him ADMIN 8211 Hi James, How odd, pups are usually easy when you have two already contained dogs, because they just follow the lead of the older dogs. That must be one rebelious teenager you have there (1) I would check to make sure he is getting the correction. (use the collar fit feature on the 5100) You would be surprised how often that is the culprit. (2) increase the boundary width at the control box (3) Spend a week retraining him on a leash to retreat when he gets the correction. (week two fo the training protocol on the website). Only if you are sure the dog is getting the correction, knows they are supposed to retreat, and is still willfully ignoring it would I increase the correction level. I would not think you need any higher correction level when the dog is only 45lbs. The PetSafe stubborn is much stronger and your could try that, a cheaper way might be to add a second 4100 or 5100 collar to the pointer at least while you are training him, Sounds like you already have three IUC-5100 collars so that might be the way to do it. I have a fenced 1 12 acre area where we would like to keep our 80 lb golden retriever. We have a newly installed automatic gate opener and the dog has figured out that when we get into the car he can get out when the gate opens for the car. What would you recommend to keep our retriever inside the fenced in area ADMIN 8211 Hi Robert, If you only need to block the gate area, the Pawz-Away Outdoor Rock and Collar would be a good choice instead of a full fledged electric dog fence. For a driveway, you can lay a small distance of wire from the rock (or use it in wireless mode if you get two and put one on each side of the driveway) The unit is a lot cheaper than a full fence and easier to install. It will do the trick for such a small area. We have a Jack Russell Terrier (18 lbs) and a German Shepherd (95 lbs) on approximately 1 acre. Both are well mannered and obedient, but would require different correctional levels due to size. Which system or combination of systems would work best Thank you. ADMIN 8211 Hi Micah, a PetSafe stubborn system (the collar for the German Shepherd), and an extra PetSafe Deluxe collar for the Jack Russell would be a good fit. we have a mastiff (200 lb), chihuahua (5 lb), minature schnauzer (20 lb) and australian shepard (70 lb). 5 acres of property would appreciate ideas on a system that would suffic for all. ADMIN 8211 Hi Lynn, You have the United Nations of Dogs PetSafe Stubborn collar for the Mastiff, Petsafe Little Dog collar for the Chihuahua, and the PetSafe Deluxe collar (or you could do another Stubborn collar if you are on a budget or don8217t want to be locked into the PetSafe brand batteries) for the Aussie. The cheapest way to do this would be to get the PetSafe Stubborn system, and get the extra collar for the other types. What system would be best for a Great Dane about 115 lbs. She is dog aggressive and we live in a small community where people are walking near our property with their dogs. ADMIN 8211 Hi Danny, With a Great Dane I would probably go with a PetSafe Stubborn Dog system. I would however, caution you against using an electric dog fence with an aggressive dog. Not only is there the danger of your dog escaping, there is also a risk that someone will unknowingly enter your property. I would err toward using two modes of containment when their is a risk of causing a dangerous situation. (e. g. physical fence electronic fence) I have a couple of issues. First, we live on a farm, greater than 100 acres, with ponds. Our dog only crosses the road from our drive-way. Is it possible to do a straight line across the drive-way and approx. 30 ft on each side Secondly, we have no power supply where we wish to bury the wire. Is it possible to use solar battery instead of power outlet. ADMIN 8211 Hi Jennifer, Unfortunately, even the highest capacity system (the SportDog SDF-100) is only capable of doing 100 acres. But, if you just want to block off one section 8211 you can make a long thin loop that will go along the 60 ft straight section then double back on itself (keeping the opposing wires six feet apart from each other) You can use a DC adapter to power most of the system instead of plugging it directly into a power outlet. Each system has different power needs, but generally they are all very low. For example, the PetSafe Ultrasmart and Innotek 5100 use 12V 100mA (DC). اترك تعليقا

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